31 / 33
Apr 2021

I think it turned out great, thanks! Yeah I have read it, but I didn't quite liked it to be honest.

...Aaand the image is now in the guest art on the site. If you don't mind that, that is. =D

Not at all! I appreciate being featured.

By the way did you build your site yourself ?
I'm looking to move my comic to it's own site as well and wondering where people do there's.

Your art is amazing!. Pixel art takes lots of work, i am impressed.

Could you draw a pixelated Rocky the Rock? :grin:

Mostly by myself. I've used a premade CMS system as a base, but the one I've used seems to be abandonware now with no way to even download it since their site went down. I've seen many people use WordPress with a couple of addons though.

Wow awesome! Could you try your hand with Pear?

He's the genius/intellectual fruit ninja of The Action Fruit Society. He builds all of the gadgets and do-hickeys for the group.

If you're interested, here's my character!

Name: Zephyr/ "Z"
Age: ~12 in the flashbacks/~22 in the present
Gender: ??? (Nonbinary/Agender uses They/Them Pronouns)
Quick Personality Traits: Introverted, Daydreamer, Philosophical, Shy, Extremely Polite, People Pleaser, Occasionally Scatterbrained, tends toward Cynicism in times of stress
Other Notes: Has a weird relationship with gravity, and can choose how to interact with it. This allows them to stand on walls and ceilings, or even float if they wish.

Zephyr is the (former) apprentice of an organization which manages the infinite branches of reality.
After befriending some completely ordinary and not at all strange human children and going through a turbulent couple of days, however, they wind up living in a reality similar to ours and slowly adjusting to life on earth. They have a fascination with a lot of "earth" things such as nature, academics, and even fiction. They spend most of their adult free time reading or watching documentaries on obscure topics. They automatically distrust authority figures and harbor a deep seated hatred of lies and intentional misinformation.

Thanks! This is really cool!

I ended up just guessing what his colors could be :sweat_smile:

I love the idea of this professor who just assigns people with bizarre diagnosis despite his observing skills :joy:

Did this one as more of one of those avatars during dialog in a game style

Wow, thank you very much, she looks super cute :heart_eyes: :+1:
Her name is Lin Phantasma, she has a twin brother who basically her other separated half

OMG I LOVED YOUR ART STYLE! I'd be honoured if you feature Menmar squad in your portfolio!

Ah I left my whole PC setup away from my house and I've been unable to work digitally for days :cry: Tuesday or Weds I want to do some more of these because these are some sick designs.