Hi there, I read the entire first chapter and its really cool! I can definitely see the improvement as you're making your way through the comic and you've come a long way! I like the choreography of the action and the vision behind the direction is strong. Take my critiques with a grain of salt because I am certainly not a professional but I just happen to read a lot of webcomics and have a somewhat discerning eye lol
From a writing perspective, it feels like a lot of information crammed into one? Personally, I prefer when lore is slowly introduced or incorporated as a natural part of conversation or direction rather than a lore dump at the beginning but thats sorta common nowadays? I feel like we jumped into the action a little TOO fast and I feel like there was a bit of context missing as to why the looters were there or even why our protagonists were in the building. Maybe it was explained and I missed it LOL but I think as the chapter went on, the writing got better.
From an art perspective, there's a lot of cool things going! I admire that you usually add some sort of background, drawing all of it out by hand is NEVER an easy task and I think it really fleshes out the environments of the art. I think you have a really great basis and idea of body proportion and action, it all fits the art style really well and complements the fight scenes. I'd say my biggest critique is that the poses look a little stiff? I also suffer from really loose and dynamic sketches but stiff poses so sadly I don't know if I have anything to remedy that :') Also, I think the color palettes could use a lookover. Everything looks very bright and saturated, and for a gritty and epic superhero action story it kinda clashes with the tone. Also, when you add shading, it seems like you use a sort of grey multiply layer which makes the colors muddy. Play around with the colors and try using different colors for shading and highlights! Also another thing I sorta noticed, colors are somewhat inaccurate from character to character idk if its an attempt at changing the lighting or something but its always good to have a base reference color and then futzing with the lighting on a different layer
I hope this review doesn't seem too overwhelming? You're doing a lot of great stuff here and the improvement is fantastic! You should definitely be proud of the work you've put in so far. I hope the critiques are good food for thought, but of course you are allowed to take or leave what you want lol keep up the great work, I can't wait to see what you come up with next!