@FritzC Dude your art is fantastic. So free. You keep a lot of energy moving through your work and I am into it. I love the fact that you use more traditional page layouts instead of using vertical scroll layouts. Great stuff!
1. She's one of the few demons that can cast spells without using sigils. Spell power is amplified by strong emotions.
2. She was trained as a caster by Lucifer himself.
3. Her parents were farmers, and were murdered by an angel during the Sheol occupation. She lived on the streets alone until she was 19.
4. She often deflects emotions with jokes.
5. Yes, blue is her natural hair color.
MAOR (additional facts)
* He doesn't know that he's already 13 (but he knew he can't be a kid anymore)
* He would love to rest when he has the time/chance.
* He likes tall trees or somewhere high to rest.
* He dislikes smokes, likes smelling herbal fragrances.
* He's quite a natural at dealing with fish (any kind: catch/sell/cook).
These are trivia facts but it's best to discover more about Maor through my webcomic.
Fun idea for a thread! This is my Stellar!
- She is her planet's primary astronomer on the hunt for defenseless exoplanets.
- She rebels against this later by creating an archive of culture from terraformed worlds. This is against the law.
- There is only one sweet food on her world and she's obsessed with it.
- She is awoken many nights by nightmares and acid reflux.
- Her best friend is a member of the military and this hurts her heart.
My main character is a high school student called Andrew
Five facts about him are......
1. He has a phobia of fire
2. He's almost always getting chased in his dreams
3. He enjoys playing video games
4. He's very level-headed
5. He wants to move to a big city after he graduates
He's from my comic, In The Woods Somewhere!
So, Kovreil Veisslok. Oh boy, where do I start...
- He has BPD (though he's not officially diagnosed in the story)
- He's only had one relationship in his life and its with his current fiance
- He's bilingual but gets frustrated too easily to learn any more languages
- He enjoys reading and learning new things but school bored the hell out of him
- As an adult, he's the tallest (human) character in the story at 6'6"/198cm
Bonus about the series: all the episodes are named after songs
Fun thread! I love seeing/learning about other creator's OC's!
Originally, she was ridiculous self-insert character I made in 6th/7th grade when I was obsessed with various 90's fandoms. I've since revised the character (both visually and making her her own character). The picture has my goofy original version from the 90's.
She can communicate with animals (and some plants).
She is a Nature Forrcenatus (that is-someone in the story who in addition to nature communication, can learn 10 different nature-related "powers" called Talents.)
She likes to explore natural settings.
She's awkward and really weird.
I have two leads so I will give two facts that are unique to each of them and one they share;
- Dr. Jekyll is quite the baker and his chocolate fudge cake has won first place at competitions multiple times.
- Dr. Jekyll is in fact active and is quite proficient in gymnastics and badminton.
- Mr. Hyde's favourite drink is bourbon.
- Mr. Hyde adores flowers particularly red roses.
- The one thing Jekyll and Hyde share is their prescription for glasses.
5 facts about Bally:
- Thinks jerky sticks are a balanced part of anyone's diet
- Can throw things with great accuracy but can't kick a ball in a straight line
- Gorillas and monkeys are her favorite animals to visit at zoos
- Once rode a bike sideways but no one believed she actually did it
- Hates math and has considered making a petition to ban it from school
Here is my male lead Shyba!
- Hates spicy food because it reminds him of how alcohol burns on his tongue. Him and alcohol are not a good combo.
- Likes to read, especially fantasy stories.
- Scared of frogs. He says because they are basically a mouth with legs and it freaks him out.
- He LOVES sweets, especially chocolate. He has a secret stash of candy.
- Sleepwalks a lot.
And my female lead Kiara!
- Loves strawberry flavors
- Believes in aliens.
- She talks to the plants in her garden and sometimes sings to them.
- She likes to make her own clothes and such.
- She also has ADHD
From my two current projects...
Captain Zeydrick
1. He's got a gruff exterior but it's a facade
2. He's overprotective of the people under him
3. He will never admit it, but he actually doesn't hate humanity as much as he insists
4. If it were a choice between a dog or a cat, he'd go with a cat. They're unobtrusive and don't radiate heat.
5. The thing he misses most about his original form is flying.
1. He only went on the trip because Nikki was going
2. He has absolutely no interest in studying plants
3. He's the type that will watch a horror film and be fine - until the lights go out and it's time to sleep. Then he's wide awake and terrified.
4. He's subconscious about his short tail but tries to hide it with jokes.
5. When his father died, the only thing Felix wanted was to have his father's arms around him again. That's why his mother insisted he take his father's leather jacket.