151 / 175
Feb 2021


you're 6'7


iewofnweiufnwefowenfowefiweifweoinfion i'm freaking five feet tall my dude you could step on me


1- I overthink a lot :sweat_02:

2- I love listening to people talking about themselves :sip:

3- I am a University student :cry_02:

4- I love cats :cat2:

5- I am investing in myself and my health :heart_03:

  1. I'm African American
  2. If I wasn't a comic artist, I would be a pediatrician (I love taking care of kids)
  3. I'm Christian
  4. I was born EXTREMELY premature (6 months instead of 9 months)
  5. I've been drawing since I was 3 years old
    Here's My Comic (Please like & subscribe):
  1. I am a certified paramedic and dispatcher!!
  2. Hard core Fujo ( i dont ship irl ppl...thats weird)
  3. Aspiring Author and Webtoons Creator.
  4. Just started seriously writing recently.
  5. I love to cook and once wanted to be a private chef.

Here is my novel called The Devils Son. Its not completed and there are 3 official episodes out at the moment (5 in total) hope you will like it if you do give it a read.

Haha I get that a lot - I have a really tall family of athletes. My dad is 6'6, my mom and sister are 6'. Ironically my fiance' is 5'5 lol

  1. I’m not shy, but very introverted and feel guilty about it sometimes
  2. I love beer :heart_eyes:
  3. I’m a bit claustrofobic, but like reading about caving and cave diving
  4. Interested in radioactivity/nuclear power/nuclear accidents
  5. I don’t like corn and babies. But baby corn is ok.
  1. I dreamed of drawing manga and making money from it since childhood.
  2. I like to draw guys more than girls
  3. Despite # 2. My work is fashion illustration, which is why I draw women very often.
  4. I'm an introvert
  5. I love sumi-e arts


  1. I prefer they/them pronouns.
  2. I'm pretty shy offline until I warm up to others, but online I love conversing with others ^^
  3. I love writing about romance or love stories but haven't been in a relationship before and I'm still unsure if I have any desire to be.
  4. Last year I accepted my love for furry/animal/anthro works :blush:
  5. I have a collection of stuffed animals :3
5 months later
1 month later

5 things about me:

  • My art has changed so much from episode 1 to episode 10 (What I'm working on now)
  • I just turned 15
  • I wrote and draw the whole comic by myself :cry:
  • I taught myself everything I know about art...

Here's the comic!

5 Things About Scarlet_Cryptid:

  1. 99.9% of my artwork in the last 15 years or so is marker. I am a marker fiend.

  2. I research and collect poisonous plants as a side hobby.

  3. I have weird marks on my back that might be scars or might be stretch marks, but don't seem consistent with either possibility, for various reasons, and no one knows where they came from. We joke that I was abducted by aliens. (I can give more details, but it's kind of long so I'll only elaborate if folks want me to.)

  4. I was once nearly blown to smithereens in Mexico. (There's a story here, but it's kind of long, so again, I'll only explain if folks want me to.)

  5. My friend group has a 4th of July tradition every year: The Watermelon Slaughter, AKA 'Slaughtermelon'. (See above: want to know more? It's kind of long, so if folks want to know, please ask.)

Top 5 things about me:
1. My favorite books growing up was Goosebumps.
2. I am a lawyer.
3.I love sweets especially chocolates.
4.I love to dance, mostly salsa.
5.I like trying to cook. :sweat_smile:

Here's my novel.

  1. I hate onions
  2. I dated a guy who was basically a mob boss, and I'm ashamed to say he was my longest serious relationship.
  3. I hate...or maybe I should say I find anything Lemon or lime flavored boring because I eat it all the time.
  4. I have nothing against flamboyant people, but I'm bi and I'm self aware enough to know I hate the idea of people seeing me as anything close to flamboyant.
  5. When I'm alone in my bedroom for too long ...I may or may not put my head phones on and perform martial arts on random objects (kicking and punching the shit out of stuff) while the music blasts so loud I can't hear anyone outside. Sometimes I'll even use a baseball bat or other stick shaped objects. (I may or may not have an irrational fear of ninjas coming to kill me in my sleep)

Okay let's see

  1. Am the second shortest person among seniors, around 5'3
  2. My worse experience with an animal was a goat headbutting my crown jewels
  3. Will mow down anything spicy
  4. Like reading/watching/etc about fictional creatures
  5. Not really a fan of the TikTok, Snapchat, and those other things

If you read I do hope you enjoy

  1. I'm 6'1"
  2. My birthday is October 22nd.
  3. I've lived in the same house my whole life.
  4. I'm a BIG Nintendo fan.
  5. I've always enjoyed things that are spooky, and creepy, and part of the occult.


And here's my comic, Donnie The Fighting Psychopath.

1.) It snows every year on my birthday (January)
2.) I like the cute and creepy
3.) I hate sour things
4.) I am biracial
5.) I like animated movies/shows (cartoons and anime)

im showing up because i rly like oversharing creepy facts about myself

  1. i have megalophobia. but i also like scaring myself so i look up pics of cruise ships for the adrenaline
  2. i have a deep hyperfixation on deadly theme park accidents. i know every one by heart and i spend my days listening to podcasts on them
  3. as a small child i would sit in my room all day and draw pictures of people being brutally murdered
  4. nearly every story i've ever written has been based off a sleep paralysis hallucination
  5. i eat entire raw limes

Interesting idea. XD

1) I am a college graduate with a Biology degree
2) I work in the labs of a hospital
3) When I was in college, I studied abroad in Japan for a semester which just enhanced my growing love for the culture.
4) I want to learn some calisthenics
5) I have been to ten states in the U.S. (including the one I live in) and four countries.

1) I have a BA(hons) in Digital Character Animation
2) I LOVE ducks and chickens
3) I went fulltime with my art in my 30s
4) I am smol 5'2"
5) I've put over 1000+ hours into Animal Crossing New Horizons and still on my OG island xD