1) I've been drawing since before I can remember (my parents estimate about two years old).
2) Following up from the first point, that makes fifteen years of art at this point. I'll be eighteen this year.
3) I'm Irish and can speak the Irish language somewhat fluently.
4) I'm dead terrified of bugs. Mainly spiders and earwigs, but also moths.
5) I started this comic because the myth it's based on made me angry, so I started to deconstruct/retell it out of spite.
Hello! Thank you so much for this thread! Okay here it goes:
- I'm a self taught artist and writer.
- I began writing poetry and novels in 2015; I finally published my first novel on Tapas a few days ago!
- I switched to comic art because animation didn't really work out for me.
- I play the guitar and am currently learning how to compose music.
- I work full time at a company and am a Masters of Business student! Yeah I'm busy
Here are my series links!
I'm on the autism spectrum and have bipolar.
I did some under the table work at a funeral home before I moved back to my home state. I would help clean up and prep for the next service.
My mother's side of the family are descendants of the Blackfoot and Mohegan tribes which was found in records. I'm not sure how much I have though.
I have hermit crabs as pets and I named them after muppets.
I love cryptozoology especially the ones from Native American culture such as the Thunderbird, skinwalkers, etc. However, I don't believe that any of them exist.
@arbiterswake I like this thread idea! Also subbed to A Thought A Day Cat since it's so sweet
My facts are:
1.) I'm Filipino
2.) I love to sing (used to be in an a cappella group)
3.) I enjoy working out
4.) I dream of visiting Japan one day
5.) My favorite video game is Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
Check out my comic if you'd like!
- I believe my left brain is under-developed. My can't even play chess.
- I don't give in the idea of nationalism.
- Focus on being multi-talented than being pro, because it's fun.
- I play recorders, also have a YT channel about it.
- I made my first comic when i was 10.
edit: I need to re-phrase point 2 and omit 'globalist', because I may had misinterpreted its meaning to state it.
- i'm black/african-american ace nb
- aside from comics and illustration i really like photography
- i'm terrible at remembering names and faces (i'll only ever remember one or the other but can't pair the two unless someone tells me)
- i've been a fan of the sonic series/franchise for over 10 years (yes it is tiring)
- as an oc artist i've suffered the plight of coming up with lots of characters and stories but not having the time or focus to invest in drawing all of them
bonus fact: i broke my arm once after falling off a couch (hairline fracture) and that's my most embarrassing accident/injury next to running into a tree
1.) I'm pretty much older than I look
2.) I'm actually very inclined on music, arts & languages.
3.) I have a hobby of brewing coffee, making frappes, making Boba Tea and baking which is why--
4.) I owned a cafe(an art themed cafe), and I also run my own art-related business.
5.) I don't know why but I'm pretty much lucky with gacha games/ card games / any game that require some luck
Here's my Series if anyone's interested its a plot heavy BL though
1)Despite my age as an adult, some people still think I look younger (Even people mistaken me as the husband of my mother only to find out that I'm the son which shocked many).
2)Although I'm an Arab, I spoke English more fluently than Arabic.
3)I took a course as a 3D animator but currently worked as a Graphic designer and 2D animator.
4)I still don't have a driving license because in Kuwait, you need your salaries to be up to 600 KD a month to get a license.
5)I am without a doubt the only individual in the family that makes comics. ;-;
1). I hate telling people shit about myself.
2). I like to converse about cat, let us talk about cat instead.
3). I keep photos of some cats I have met as a memento.
4). The first cat I tamed died under a mysterious circumstances about six years ago, he was a grey tabby.
5). I feel bad about my neighbor's cats because they keep coming to me, I can't help but spoiling them.
- I used to make cosplays for me and my friend and go to conventions in cosplay, that's why I made it an element in my comic.
- I'm incredibly boring as I mostly stay home and draw all day
- I have a BA in Visual Effects and Motion Graphics
- I used to run an online comic magazine called StArt Faire under the username Draco Plato.
- I'm a vegetarian~
- My characters have no respect for me
- I am a tea addict and drink like 3 cups a day
- I'm from Czech Republic, but I don't drink beer, or any alcohol
- The best ideas for the story come when I lay in the bed
- I became addicted to astrology, because I practially grew up in library and no one restricted my access to astrology books
OMG driver license is given based on salary? I didn't know that. In my city you can get a driver license without not even knowing how to drive and that's the reason the roads are wild, like Grand Theft Auto wild ...They are changing that fortunately.
What about people who need a license to be a cab driver and don't have a high income?
1 - I'm finally getting therapy at age 23 for my mental illnesses and traumas!
2 - I have club thumbs!
3 - I'm nocturnal! My times of being awake is from 3 pm to 5 am. I still get a good amount of sleep but it annoys and confuses people I talk to because they don't think my sleep is inverted.
4 - I'm a trans man and finally on testosterone!!! :^D
5 - I've got artistic vision in music and writing, but artwork is not my natural skill. I didn't start off as an artist and I still struggle to make art even a decade later. I don't like it when people say I'm talented. Untalented people can become good artists!!! Even if it takes time! It's all skill and I'm still not done ;u;
They either rely on public transport which is mostly buses or the company's own transport (Which not many of them have). Most of the people working in Kuwait either live with their family or room mate sharing responsibilities unless they have a successful business and here is the worst part, a non-Kuwaiti will not have a permanent Visa no matter how many years you stayed there unless you married a Kuwaiti. My father worked there before and during the Iraqi invasion and he still is and yet he didn't get permanent status in Kuwait. You can stay in Kuwait so long as you worked there, or studied there.
OK here goes
- Im on the autism spectrum and have ADD and severe social anxiety disorder
- Im swedish/finish (but i cant speak finnish)
- I have the most terrible memory ever, really
- Ive drawn since being a child and never stopped but I also have a big interest in horses and is soon finished with my horse masseus education
- I listen to crime/murderpods maybe a bit to much
Oh my! What an interesting thread! Well, here I go with my top 5 things:
1. My passion is reading and researching about different mythologies as well as religions. I just think it's very interesting to find out more about what our ancestors "creative" stories were.
2. I was the quiet kid in the back of the class everyone was intimidated by for some reason despite me never doing anything to gain their "hate"
3. When I was 12, I loved researching medieval history, including various torture methods used back then. (2/10 would not recommend reading for those with a weak stomach)
4. I have scoliosis (spine does the funky dance) and probably will never be able to do any type of hard work.
5. I lived in an "evil" (aka negative paranormal activity) house for most of my teens. (0/10, would not recommend due to LOTS of mental scars being left behind)
So there we go. I sadly have more weird facts about me, my life is a mess. Either way, here is my fantasy novel. For now only one episode is up but I'm planning big things for it. I also would love meeting other creators and exchange kind support.
- I live inside a volcano. (Don't worry, it's inactive XD)
- I can fake at least a couple of accents in my own native language... to the point that people living in other cities actually thought I was "one of them" and people of my own city won't believe me when I say that I never moved from my hometown
- I've got the most undecided hair color ever: it was pitch black when I was born, then it turned blonde with reddish undertones, then into an awful mousy brown... and last year it finally turned into a surprisingly nice dark brown with a reddish undertone. Except that I'm also getting white hair now, so I'm afraid the dark brown won't last long ._.
- When I was a teen, people would constantly mistake me for an adult. Now that I'm an adult, people constantly mistake me for a teen. Dafuq? ._.
- Making comics has been my dream since I was 11.
aww thats fun I join
- I work as a frontend programmer for online shops and lead a project as technical lead
- Until I meet my current boyfriend (when I was 19) I never told anyone that I like manga/anime or draw that, even not my first boyfriend who was a japanese who read a lot of manga
- I was very bad at english in school and said to myself that i don't need it later in the job, because my parents got along well without it. And now I'm working in a full englisch speaking job and don't have any problem with it
- Whenever I speak to someone who is not exactly a good friend, I am constantly afraid that I will bore them
- I have played a lot of different sports so far. Ballet, athletics, boxing, football, parkour (...) and 13 years soccer.
here is my comic:
Hey, this is nice. I'll go:
I'm younger than I look. A security guard in a univ once asked for my ID because he thought I was a middle-schooler when I was there for my Master's degree.
More than liking cats, I imitate cat meows. Confuses them ( and also humans unfortunate to hear me) sometimes, but works when I have to call cats to me.
I can bend my left thumb backwards so that it reaches just beyond the back of my wrist.
I speak three languages, Kapampangan, Filipino, and English. Can pick up a few Japanese and Korean words here and there. Can decipher Hangul but can barely read it.
A closet dancer. People used to laugh when I dance for school activities, so I decided to practice mostly K-pop dances on my own for the fun of it and also to get better. I can't say I'm good but people don't laugh anymore so I guess that's a plus.