1 / 42
Feb 2019

This is likely a long shot, but when I get reading I want to sit in for a long story.

Please share your novels that are over 50,000 words long. If they're complete, please also mention that! :smiley:

(I'm not putting up Nearly There Nicely6 because the amount of chapters currently up on this site does not surpass the 50k. Although, it is past that. [It's also incomplete.])

  • created

    Feb '19
  • last reply

    Aug '19
  • 41


  • 4.2k


  • 36


  • 37


  • 42


I just came here to shake hands with you. I have not put up any stories (I am too easy going about scribbling, something might be up eventually, tomorrow or in 10 years).

But the art of enjoying a good, long, well-written story is becoming rare. I guess our "instant" lifestyle has made us too impatient and we want it sweet and short and are willing to accept less sweet as long as we can get shorter.

All this to say, continue spreading the good news. WE. WANT. LONG. STORIES!

I'm currently editing a novel that I'm trying to get traditionally published, so not posting it here.
But it's completed, and it's 170,000 words (and I already cut it down from 180k). Wanna be a beta reader? I could send you the whole damn thing.
It's a historical urban fantasy, set in an alternate version of 1911 England in which monsters are real, from Russian were-bears to Japanese Yokai. A lady Exorcist and the man she's hunting down are forced to join forces when a mutual enemy, a powerful warlock, returns from the dead to exact his revenge upon them.
There's a monstrous carnival, a tragic backstory, sibling rivalry, and a decent amount of jokes to lighten the mood when the body count starts getting too high.

(Edit: also Twisted Tales and Breaking Magic, my two stories here, are both currently over 50k, but they aren't completed yet. Well, they are in that I've finished writing them, but I haven't finished posting them. Breaking Magic is about 100k total and will be fully uploaded in a little over two months. Twisted Tales is somewhere around 200k, and it will be quite a while before it's fully uploaded, so check back in a year, I guess, haha.)

A little under 50k but completed:

Over 50k (currently at 40k on Tapas); not completed on here yet, but episodes are scheduled for daily updates and the novel is edited, so not far from being completed soon. :smiley:

Only at 46.9k on tapas, but the draft on my computer is currently ~77k and I update twice per week. Not completed, and if my estimates on story beats are correct it's going to end up sitting somewhere around 150k when all is said and done.

50k+ words? I got that :smirk:

My first series "Oh. My. Fate?!" is currently at about 90k words on Tapas:

My second series "Lovely Writing System" is a little longer here with almost 170k words :smiley:

They aren't finished yet but I'm updating both of them daily with one chapter each and LWS is in volume 3 of 5 right now so it won't take that long anymore to finish it :slight_smile:

Currently, this is the only one I have that has over 50k words that is posted. What Lies Within is well over the 50k mark and will end probably over 80k

My other two that are posted will definitely be over 50k. Fox Trap is complete but since it is working on going Premium, everything hasn't been posted yet.

I can't seem to write short novels :joy:

My first novel on Tapas is technically ongoing still....? Volume 1 finished at 95k but Vol 2 is still at it. It's about prohibition gangsters falling in love and having adventures.

Also have a samurai war and romance epic, just a few chapters away from finishing vol 1. I don't even want to look at the word count right now, it's definitely over 100k.

Way over 50,000 AND completed! Please enjoy if it's your thing.

A slowburn/mystery romance about a human girl who finds herself stuck in a world of vampires.

slaps computer screen This baby has 58K words at the moment and isn't anywhere near done!

sundown is at 63k words where im at in my backlog, roughly 50-55k words on here. the version im uploading here is the rough draft fore review purposes. its an lgbt urban fantasy about an agency that regulates supernatural activity.

:blush: Ahhhh I'm so happy there's so many of you! It's kind of encouraging to see that there's a fair amount that aren't complete while being over 50k. But those of you that are, CONGRATS. It's a trial in itself to complete a story!

I believe it's a new person who is a little overzealous with the self-promotion. I've seen their comic pop up several times in various threads.

If you're interested in BLs, I've got a long one (and a lot of chapters already posted). Unfortunately, it's not complete yet... I've still got a bit to go. But feel free to check it out if it's something you're interested in!

There's also always that "binge worthy" section that Tapas has of complete novels/comics.

Not sure what genre(s) you're into, but if a supernatural suburban YA story with a somewhat different take on vampires and werewolves sounds good, have I got a thing for you.

So for some reason the word count Tapas shows for my novel...isn't accurate. It doesn't seem to be counting a bunch of chapters, so I think it says it's at like 30k, but I know it's over 50k at this point. Anyway, it's not quite complete, but getting close, and I update twice weekly. There are also two more books planned for the series.