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I see! Personally I tend to rearrange the sentence to exclude the event/sensation being filtered through the character's eyes at all, as I find it creates much stronger writing. I typically save a look through my thesaurus for a final pass when I'm switching out adjectives. Neat!
I have a question! How do you deal with filter words on your first/final editing pass?
@Penni has a new novel out, Devilish Cupcakes, and it's absolutely amazing! Funny, sexy, sweet, thoughtful, incredible. Definitely my favorite Tapas novel at the moment

Bad grammar will 100% stop my reading in its tracks. Really good writing is when you aren't consciously aware you're reading a book, and lots of grammar errors do a very good job of reminding one they're reading. If something isn't published professionally I'm totally cool with the occasional mistak…
I'm a bit late to this, but I think if you take the "the" off the potential titles it packs a bigger punch!
Exiled Souls sounds badass to me Just a thought!
(loving these, y'all, keep 'em coming haha)
Fun little game! Describe your writing/comic brand in five words or less. Brownie points if you can do one. As an example of a brand, Stephen King's would be something along the line of "Spooky Bad Things Happen Frequently" and someone like Holly Black would be "Spoiled Fae and Clueless Humans". N…
No reason to feel badly about it! Asking for feedback is how we learn and grow. Besides, no one is obligated to offer the feedback, so you know those who take you up on it truly want to help ^^ It's up to you, of course!
You sure you want people to rate your work, sib? I'd never want anyone to put a number on my stories, it'd only make me feel bad. If you're looking to improve, asking for feedback might be more helpful?
So I'm a few days late to this discussion but: I'm a plotter, so I plan all major plot points out in advance, but as for where to start, I settle on a killer opening line that clearly sets the tone and mood of the book, and maybe has a little bit of foreshadowing, too. The rest falls into place for …
Nothing a little editing and TLC won't fix! I agree it can be a more common first draft issue for present tense, but I would actually argue I see it much more commonly in first person POV regardless of tense, interestingly. I love writing because it's so versatile haha you can do almost anything wit…
So this is less of a tense issue and more of a tell VS show thing. Words like "see, feel, do, realize, wonder, think" etc are called filter words, which separates the reader from the action by filtering it through the POV character. You can absolutely write any combination of POV and tenses withou…
deffo bots. the author is likely cheating lol if you're suspicious, tag a mod for sure
Some things I've learned while attempting to enter the word of traditional publishing: Your niche story will not sell until you're established. You have to play by the rules like everyone else, keep up with market trends, do your homework. Also agents will not take a series as your debut work. Wr…
I actually disagree with you there. I'd highly recommend present tense because of the closeness of the action, and the potential for strong voice. I do agree that one must be pretty comfortable writing in present tense, though, especially if they're coming from writing strictly past tense. It's a di…
I pretty much exclusively write in present tense because I find it a much more limitless medium than past tense. This of course changed from writer to writer, but it's my preference to use present. I'll just link my profile since all my stories use the same tense haha Edit: My whole shtick is thir…
These are all covers I made in Canva! I used a few paid elements for one or two of them, but they were like $1. Very affordable lol [image][image][image][image][image]
I'd give Canva a look, in that case! If you can find an artist willing to make the cover for you for free then that's great, but if you can't definitely give Canva a try
So I know it says unpaid, but are you offering anything in return besides credit? It might be difficult to find someone otherwise. Have you tried Canva at all? I've made a few really great book covers that way! If you aren't able to find an artist, Canva would be a good option. Good luck!
So there's frankly not a lot I can say on this topic since I haven't looked at your story myself, but I will say this: If there's a complaint on a structural level, it's usually best to take an honest look at your work and see things from the reader's perspective. You're never going to make ever…
My work station doubles as my alter because there’s no space anywhere else in my apartment lol [image]
There's definitely pros and cons to both sides! I love writing serialized fiction, but I also genuinely enjoy the conformity of trad pub. It's not for everyone, though, and I acknowledge that XD
Some do, though I couldn't name them. A good rule of thumb for trad pub is to follow the mold and then get creative with formatting once you're established!
That's the dream all right! Best of luck to you, it's a hard road but I think it will be very rewarding ^^
Hello fellow writers!
My personal career goals for writing are to acquire a literary agent and, hopefully, one day sell a book to a traditional publisher. One of the big five would be cool, but I'm good with starting small
Does anyone else have similar career goals? Anyone tried trad pub before…
Crazy Ex Girlfriend is absurd, humorous, and has surprising depth!
Try finding critique partners who write for your age range that also want to traditionally publish! They can give you feedback on your query letter and manuscript that can be invaluable for securing agents
Whoever said those things about YA likely doesn’t read any YA. There’s garbage in every age range, but YA gets crapped on by lots of people because the main audience is girls age 12-18, and heaven forbid we like things that teen girls like. I like Harry Potter as much as the next person, but it’s …
I'm a little late but no less grateful <3 Thank-you posted on my wall