6 / 53
Feb 2021

Hope you manage to reach the big 100 soon!

I think your book looks super interesting, I bookmarked it for later, so far I think your writing style is really nice and unique!
Here is my comic about living with your best friends, found family and a ghost. Shenanigans ensue! Check it out if it sounds up your alley!

Here are my comics and i subbed all three of you :slight_smile: @alzbetarudisova @CttMaurice @Undertaildoof34

I'm also at 80! let's do this!

EDIT: Looks like we're already both subbed to each other :joy:

My goal is 200 subs.

Here is my link if anyone's interested.

Congrats! I'm making my way to 70!

Here's my comic:

Well wishes to everyone here! I'm currently at 28, trying to get to 30!

Dang, I actually forgot to put the link. I is the big stupid. Here it is:

hi... share your novel... so we may subscribe yours...

Hi... I'm a bit far from 100... already following some of you :slight_smile:

Slowly making my was to 30-40 Subs.
Let's do this guys :hype_01:

Here is my Historical-Fantasy BL

Here you go! I'll check out your series as well! :blush:

subbed! here's mine!

Hi... I am checking the new replies and going to sub them too... :slight_smile:

I actually liked your series, it reminds me alot of Samurai Jack (probably a weird comparison)

Congrats on the growth, hard to even reach 80 subs especially
with how big tapas itself is getting,and thanks for the promo thread;
my comic recently updated today

I'm currently at 42 subscribers, right now I'm trying to reach 50, I'm not just looking for new subs but people who actually want to read my comic since I haven't gotten much interaction on my comic lately, here it is if anyone's interested:

It's a supernatural comedy series about a teenage goth girl and her friends doing all sorts of weird and funny things, each comic is a short random strip or page, I've been told it's quite similar to the old Archie comics.