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- Dec 18, '20
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- Dec 1, '21
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- Dec 7, '21
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Controversial opinion- politoed is my favorite amphibian Pokemon. Sorry, mudkip (you're still good, though).
Is this a frog or toad? Only pokemon fans know.... [image]
Lots of poisons and their effects/uses (for alchemy), and a bunch of trashy harem isekai light novels (for a character that's an isekai protagonist parody). Not sure which is weirder.
I found a soup with a similar color palette as my comic: [image] It's purple cauliflower and sweet potato, which sounds...interesting?
Ohhh, this works with my comic (looks can be deceiving haha). Or at least it's building up to a moment like this.
Oooh, interesting. I've followed you guys on Twitter, and I hope your project goes well! Here's my comic:
Content warning for blood. So I'm in the process of writing a novel. In general, the story is solidly in the PG-13 category in terms of sexuality and violence. However, the prologue contains some more graphic depictions of violence (The main character uses her blood to draw a magic circle while ho…
Here's mine! If my math is correct (it may not be ), I'm 19 subs away!
Can you imagine if a book store just put LEDs in books and pretended they didn't see it glowing so people would buy them thinking they were chosen ones? ...it makes sense in context?
I think Aren's pretty cute, but I feel most of my characters are (and the one who isn't knows who he is...). [image] [image]
I'd say my comic is familiar in that it's a "travelling to another world story". It has a few similarities to isekai works (mostly the magic system), but it's more like The Chronicles of Narnia plot-wise. It's also similar to American Gods, with a lot of mythological characters that show up. It's …
Aren means "mountain of strength", apparently, which is appropriate, but his name was originally a corruption of the goddess of chaos' name (Eris > Erin > Aren). I guess I lucked out there. His last name means "of the valley", which is a reference to a major plot point, so I won't share it here
This site might help you. It can generate color palettes from images, or even randomly. I use it mainly for characters, but it can be useful for general colors. A good way to start your color palette process might be to think about the tone/image you want to convey. Instead of going based on indiv…
My comic is mostly high fantasy/adventure (focusing on LGBT+ characters), though there are small urban fantasy sections too.
Hmmm...I'd say most of my OCs would be tea drinkers.
The caveat is that both coffee and tea are classified as potions in my comic's world. Most teas have healing properties, but coffee is considered poison. So it would be a bit odd to casually drink coffee
This being said, one of the future me…
If you liked American Gods, Kumo Desu ga, Nani Ka?, or bright colors, you'll like: Geez, those are some disparate references...
I'm a simple ace: I see "asexual leads"; I sub. Here's my comic. It's just starting, but there'll be a fair amount of asexual character in it.
This is still my favorite page of the comic: [image]
Hmm, I don't know much about eggs, but I've heard hen-cyclopedias are the best place to get facts about them! Speaking of hen-cyclopedias, my comic is about an egg-cellent magical one:
Here's my comic and twitter: https://twitter.com/alchemistschro1 Admittedly, I'm not the best at social media, lol
Here's mine! Not directly romance, but a lot of queer characters from different walks of life, and there will be discussions of queer experiences in the future! Genre: Fantasy, LGBT, Action
Haha, not a dumb question at all! I work in tech, so for my job in particular, it was more important that I had a computer science-related major, actually. Most entry-level jobs have some type of writing test you get given when you apply, and I'm fairly sure you could apply with an amateur creati…
Ironically, I am a writer outside of writing The Alchemist's Chronicle...I do grant and technical writing, though.
This will probably be my favorite page for a while!
Interesting...my story's just started, but with no spoilers... Yes! Yes, but the relationships aren't always the most healthy... The story is about solving a nesting doll of mysteries, so if I write things well, yes. Well... [image] Here's the comic:
Congrats! I'm making my way to 70! Here's my comic:
I was going to say, "oh, Paw Prints has a Spanish version". Then I checked the topic author... I will eventually post The Alchemist's Chronicle in Spanish or French though, depending on which the subs want more. But it'll take time, haha.
I'd like to finish the RPG I was working on. My comic is based on it (or at least its sidequests), but when I started the comic, I put the game aside. Now that I have more programming experience, I think I could make something good if I had the time.
According to my friends, the verdict's out one whether the MC technically has anime eyes or not, but here's The Alchemist's Chronicle:
I'll echo ninjashira's thoughts especially on establishing shots. I think my main critique is that I don't really get a sense of the characters and their motivations until the VERY end. I get the impression that Crazy Hair Man is the type of guy who plays mind games with his foes, and that Hidden Bo…