19 / 39
Sep 2023

Ok first, this isn't how proof works. You can't ask people to prove a negative, you, as the person who has a hypothesis, are the one who has to prove your claim.

Second: all this stuff is supposed to have happened before Jesus, so over 2000 years ago. If nephilims, people who were interbred with fallen angels did exist, we would ALL be some degee of them because if you go back far enough WE are all related. Would be able to identify some weird stuff in our DNA today and it would immediately be proven if that were the case.

Third: interspecies breeding is not possible. You can't breed a cat and a dog and get a doggat. By saying that these things could breed with humans you are essentially saying that they are also human.

Fourth: Say they did exist, and some people knew about. Why hide it? Why would anyone even want to hide it? How many people have to all behave and hide it for it to remain hidden for over 2000 years? And how come Joe shmo on the internet who doesn't know 300's about Sparta can find this out if it's been so well hidden? It can't have remained hidden for that long but also have been that easy to find.

Balance of probability says they do not exist, that they can't exist, they're just stories like vampires or werewolves. Stories like this are fun to explore in fiction, but actually believing them for your real life leaves you vulnerable to actually dangerous conspiracy theories like the ones peddled by Qanon. You are weird for believing this stuff because it's only one step removed from all the blood-libel related conspiracies that would make you dangerous to your fellow living breathing real man.

If you want some modern exploration of these concepts, may I introduce you to El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron?

It's a video game from ps3/xbox 360 era that recently got a pc remaster and is heavily inspired by book of enoch and I'd say is very worth checking out at least for its unique audio and visuals

I think you need to turn off your computer and touch some grass :shamrock:

I think that all religious texts, like every mythology, is a cool base for the comics and generally cool to explore, but no, I won't consider them true history.

This is the kind of history that makes more sense to me. :sweat_02:

Edit: I do own a graphic novel set 10,000 years ago. I fell in love with the artwork, but I do think it blends archaeological knowledge with mythology (and horror) really well.

It could be or could be not. Nobody knows for sure. (Unless we invented a time machine to get proof but that would open Pandora's box of problems if you know time travel stories :smile:)

But it's not like if I made a thread and shared this video with the same question cause you know it's made up. xD

My brothers in Christ, if you wanna make a sexy comic about breeding with angels then go for it, but as a Christian most translations of the mythos would go against this as cannon

Me, agnostic, but born Catholic with 15 years of religious study and a former Science teacher for a decade:

Youtube videos aren’t always credible sources, and neither are a lot of books or things that you might find on the Internet. Credible sources require years of peer reviewed research and confirmation.