14 / 39
Sep 2023

If you want to read The Book of Enoch, you can easily find an English translation. You can also look into the history around it too.

I think that is a lot better than this weird clickbait channel that uses footage from 300, a film about Sparta.

As I said before, it's pretty much bipartisan with the Christian and Judaism communities. And as someone who's talked with exorcists before the supernatural stuff isn't as fantastical as I thought lmaooo.

I mean, crazy miracles have happened (a crazy one happened with my relative at Lordes) and demons do crazy stuff like this one demon telling this priest "how can you save her when you can't save your wife?".

With Nephilims that's something you just cannot hide. They'd be GIANTS. How do you hide giants??? As far as I know, demons and angels have been playing it low profile. Like they EXIST but it's like a bunch of spies among us.

It just reminds me of this popular preist high-up in the Vatican who was invited on this crazy conspiracy podcast and they asked out some METHED OUT QUESTIONS and the Priest seemed a little uncomfortable lmaoooooo. He was constantly shooting down all their weird conspiracies.

My headcanon is that the people who wrote it were probably manlets and they saw a tall person and it scared them. Put someone who is 5ft 6in next to someone who is almost 7ft and of course they will look like giants.

(I also used some of this lore in my own comic. I have an angel that is just a really tall person)

If you can prove the existence of the invisible teapot in orbit around Mars, please do.

But Goliath was like nine feet tall and everyone acknowledged "WOW.... that's a big human". Granted, the Nephilim story happened WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY before that but still it's a neat little detail to point out.

If Nephilims were real, we'd just be seeing a bunch of them today. Wouldn't this be a frequent occurance? Like as a I said before demons and normal angels are a frequent occurrence according to the Vatican. And if Nephilims DID exist, the Vatican wouldn't hide them. They'd TOTALLY be pointing at them like LIVING PROOF and be giving them a place to live. For crying out loud, they like to show dead Saint bodies that haven't rot. They've shown one at my CHURCH (btw off-topic, I remember seeing one in person and was shocked to find out it was a dead body I was like "WHA -- ?!?!? MOMMY.... DADDY.... YOU SHOWED ME A WHA -- ?!?!").

But yeah with that logic, the Vatican would carry bones around to Churches and being like "HERE YOU GO!" but they don't. Because all those bones ended up being from Mammoths.

This is why I hate YouTubers like that or Religious Historian YouTubers in general from both sides of the spectrum (religious and athiest). If Wing wants answers like this than just go to a normal CATHOLIC or a JEWISH person. It's not hard. You can just walk in and compare notes. If they happen to say the same thing, then it's the hard truth. Like I can see the Vatican retconning something like that, but Jewish people also saying "Yeah... no" then it's a no.

But yeah, I could totally see it as people seeing big humans and people being like "Are you an angel?" back then.

And that's another thing... wouldn't that take away from the whole miracle birth of Jesus or something? Like --

Ok first, this isn't how proof works. You can't ask people to prove a negative, you, as the person who has a hypothesis, are the one who has to prove your claim.

Second: all this stuff is supposed to have happened before Jesus, so over 2000 years ago. If nephilims, people who were interbred with fallen angels did exist, we would ALL be some degee of them because if you go back far enough WE are all related. Would be able to identify some weird stuff in our DNA today and it would immediately be proven if that were the case.

Third: interspecies breeding is not possible. You can't breed a cat and a dog and get a doggat. By saying that these things could breed with humans you are essentially saying that they are also human.

Fourth: Say they did exist, and some people knew about. Why hide it? Why would anyone even want to hide it? How many people have to all behave and hide it for it to remain hidden for over 2000 years? And how come Joe shmo on the internet who doesn't know 300's about Sparta can find this out if it's been so well hidden? It can't have remained hidden for that long but also have been that easy to find.

Balance of probability says they do not exist, that they can't exist, they're just stories like vampires or werewolves. Stories like this are fun to explore in fiction, but actually believing them for your real life leaves you vulnerable to actually dangerous conspiracy theories like the ones peddled by Qanon. You are weird for believing this stuff because it's only one step removed from all the blood-libel related conspiracies that would make you dangerous to your fellow living breathing real man.

If you want some modern exploration of these concepts, may I introduce you to El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron?

It's a video game from ps3/xbox 360 era that recently got a pc remaster and is heavily inspired by book of enoch and I'd say is very worth checking out at least for its unique audio and visuals

I think you need to turn off your computer and touch some grass :shamrock:

I think that all religious texts, like every mythology, is a cool base for the comics and generally cool to explore, but no, I won't consider them true history.