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Oct 2024

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    Oct '24
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    Nov '24
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This is the most relatable thing ever​:sob: funny how it's always get enough motivation to get knee deep, but not enough to finish. My personal tip is just do the scene/story you want to do. Cuz I also find myself in a place where all I really want to do is the cool ending (or I'm interested in another project entirely)

So the solution is just do that, cuz at least I'm being productive as opposed to agonizing about it and doing nothing. And then I usually realize that the "in between stuff" isn't that nessesariy, and I know the exact bare minimum of foreshadowing and character development to make the scene hit. Worst case scenario, I'm get to practice my writing/drawing skills

It happens, sometimes you just got to accept that you are going to have slow days.

I write novels for amazon on the side, and it can be tough when that is currently like 1/4 of your income and NOT finishing something means you might not have something to release anytime soon.

You also might just need to write something else for a bit. Sometimes the brain worms won't let you move on to your main project.

Try just writing something that has been on the back of your mind for awhile. Or read, then go back to it, if you aren't monetizing the work in any major way, I don't see the harm in taking a short break.

Dude YESSSS. I have so many main points and ending to my story all planned out but it’s those dang bridging chapters. I feel like I get writers block trying to figure out how the heck to get from point A to point B.

I think everybody feels this way at one point or another, and it is perfectly normal. The internet (and Tapas itself) is littered with the corpses of stories that have been unceremoniously dumped by their creators. Sometimes your own story occupies your own mind so much that you resent it. Or get bored with it. Or just plain start hating it. There is no shame in that. Step back for a bit, look at the whole thing, and think about what it would take to get back into it.

My only advice is this: if you choose to end your story, give your readers some closure. Even if you only have a few readers, they have invested time into your story and you owe it to them just out of decency to let them know how it ends. I actually saw one writer do exactly that: her very good story came to a sudden end because she was burned out. Rather than leaving everybody hanging, though, she posted a point-for-point summary of how everything was going to turn out. Her audience wasn’t left wondering what happened to the characters (or the creator). She spelled it all out, and said that if she starts writing it again she’ll take down that last update and pick up where she left off.. For that I have great respect.

Nothing too special, just try to release 3-4 novels a year. (Honestly, it should be more but I'm honestly pretty slow xd)

You just really need to find a niche and get some good cover art.

Same girl, same. You are not alone in feeling this. It comes and goes in waves sometimes, but I've had bouts of not wanting to write (or second-guessing the already written chapters) to the point where I'm asking the same questions. Some weeks, I'm all for working on the romance novel and not the action fantasy, while others are vice versa. There was a period of several weeks where nothing got written. Burnout's a b, that's for sure. Whatever you decide, I hope you take good care of yourself; mind, body, and spirit. Wishing you well! :heart:

Same here! I ended up wrapping up one of my novels because I just couldn’t see where it was going, and some things are better left unfinished; completion isn’t always the same as satisfaction. Luckily, I have other things on my plate—drawing, web design, painting—so when I hit a block, I just switch gears and dive into another hobby. Sometimes ideas pop up randomly, so I jot them down or make quick notes, then forget about them until I’m ready to write again. You might want to explore other things, too. It’s great because when the inspiration comes back, I’ve got a little roadmap ready! So, don’t be afraid to explore and take breaks!

I one hundred percent agree with this. Give your readers an ending even if it's not your perfect ending.

On the issue of losing interest, I just keep moving forward knowing after you are done you will look back and be very happy at the accomplishment of finishing. I look at my series, that I just finished a month ago after 2 1/2 years, and even know it's not perfect I'm pretty happy I told the complete story.

I kinda have the opposite problem. Right before starting production on a new Trespasser book/chapter I dread putting that first stroke of digital ink to the screen. Because I know once I do, the obsession will strike again, consume me and all I want to do is continue working until it is complete.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

My issue is that I'm on the final draft of my story and I'm noticing where everything is not connecting and I kinda just want to give it up. I already wrote the entire thing, but now I'm noticing these holes and I hate it.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

10 days later

Trying looking out to other's work for inspiration. This definetly helps from the writers burnout. Try different different things movies, webseries, novels, games, animes, Philosophy, tales to help get out from the writing burnout.

I'm linking my story here so that you can try to get yourself out (If you don't know where to start)

  • Well if you're going to go through the story, Consider commenting your thought about it, coz genuinely need to know


General synopsis: In 2158, global tensions between Arga and Yuropa push the world to the brink of the Third Territorial War. But before conflict can erupt, an apocalyptic event splits the planet in half, wiping out half of humanity, restricting the alive to go and access the resources on the other side of the blinding light. As the survivors rebuild their lives within the safety of Dome cities, monstrous creatures emerge from the chaos, ravaging everything in their path.

Amidst the destruction and uncertainty, a group of soldiers embarks on a desperate mission. Driven by their noble cause to protect and reclaim what is lost, they confront the terrifying truths of their harsh new reality. Racing against time, these brave souls face unimaginable challenges as they fight to safeguard the remnants of humanity and possibly save the entire world from total annihilation.

A link to your story: