1 / 34
Oct 2024

I really want to see people put more effort and thought into their promotions. Get people excited to read your story, like your plot and characters.

Feel free to make a really long post about it! Post art, descriptions of places and its setting and the type of atmosphere you were going for.

I'll start.

Evening Star itself was mostly inspired by my love of Visual novels. Mostly my love of the original Tsukihime and Nasuverse stuff in general. I also created it mostly for male audiences in mind since I noticed there weren't many action romance series in that category.

The Main character Donner was actually created to somewhat subvert the expectation of the clueless main character. As he was already familiar with the supernatural elements of the world. Someone who was designed to be kind of goofy at times, but still pretty Cool by the end of it.

The main female lead was also created to somewhat subvert expectations. Usually the male lead would be the older one in webtoon romance, but I decided that Alma would not only be the older woman, but also around 7-10 years older than Donner.

Mostly because you don't see a lot of female leads in their 30s in an action type of sense!

A lot of the setting in the story was based somewhat on my hometown. Or rather a snapshot of it in time that most people can't return to.

Nostalgia is a smaller theme in the story, and the setting at a seaside tourist town was intentional. In a lot of ways the location itself is a character, though I suspect that would come across more in the novel of it I wrote VS the webcomic since some things had to be stripped and removed for pacing.

I do somewhat regret having so many internal monologues, but I suspect that was once again because I never actually wrote a script version of the novel, but rather gave my artist the novel outright to adapt.

The logo also ended up being a bit too bubbly and colorful at times XD. Since the story is more 50/50 romance and mystery.

I also wonder if people would get frustrated since Alma doesn't show up in EVERY chapter. A fact that works better once again in writing, but could be a problem when the female lead doesn't show up for a few weeks due to how the story is written. Though I also completely finished the script so I just have to make sure the pages get done!

I say if you ARE a fan of things like Tsukihime, or really any old style visual novels that are slower burns building up to events, you might like this! Though I will be the first to say I wish I had sped up the pacing.

Though it should be noted that I'm a weirdo who preferred the original Tsukihime over the remake.

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    Oct '24
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    Oct '24
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The Lost Forest is my unique twist on the fantasy genre …then again isn’t that every story :laughing:

I honestly thought it might be fun to do the chosen one trope but let’s make it where the chosen one isn’t going to be the hero whose going to get a celebratory welcome when the quest is over.
I wanted to give an homage to some of my favorite works like Berserk and Bleach. I wanted to create characters that feel like a family, enemies that can possibly change or friends could betray you. I wanted to write a simple fantasy story with fae orcs and gods but in my own way.

The most important part I just wanted to share my story with fellow readers and creators.

I hope I explained this right enjoyed the question as well really had to think​:grin:

Elyn is trying to solve the mystery of her brother’s disappearance while also guiding souls to the afterlife.

Updates every Friday

Nixvir is unique due to several factors. Partly because of its inherent Britishness. It is meant to evoke the image of a Britain which no longer exists - the Britain of strict hierarchies, good old-fashioned technology, et cetera. It is also meant to invert the idea of the walking talking snowman - in most media, snowmen are presented as comic buffoons who fool about with children and princesses. By contrast the snowmen in Nixvir are presented very seriously, and are used to explore themes like religious fanaticism.

I’d say Abysskeeper Suen’s main selling point is the sheer novelty. A classic, old fashioned magical girl story.. with the aesthetics and such taken straight out of Hippopotamus Lovecraft. If you’ve ever found yourself reading Shadow over Innsmouth and thought “Dang, this would be so much better if it was also Cardcaptor Sakura or something”, it is for you.
The basic premise is that in 1872, in an extremely odd seaside town where things decay inconsistently, it isn’t advised to let a single drop of blood fall into the ocean, and no one runs the lighthouse but it still shines every day, a.. probably normal young girl ended up teaming up with a shapeshifting sea monster, and the two of them embarked on a quest to try and find the shapeshifter’s little sister.
Plus, in my quite unbiased opinion, the colors and the hatching look quite nice together. I mean..

Currently the comic is set to end at 35 pages, however I do plan on continuing the story in a much longer form after it’s done and I know more about comic making depending on how things go, so if you’re left wanting more, don’t worry!
Plus, if you have a sip of water every time there is anything that might be a very subtle reference to a gothic horror work from the 19th century or a magical girl anime, you will be very, very well hydrated.

@Heidifisk That's interesting with older female leads in 30s and clueless main character, that's awesome basing the sites on your hometown too. And who knows, maybe Alma not showing as often maybe adds some mystery to her?
Similarly always fun to setting up things to not be what they initially seem.
Keep it up!

As you mention older Female, there might be more to the main characters' mom than we first see

Sickboy started as an action horror videogame Idea :video_game:

where the player was the carrier of a virus and anyone he infected would instantly mutate into monsters that will attack you. The player had to rescue survivors from those already infected, without infecting them in process. Side effects granted the player the ability to manipulate states of matter (liquid, solid, gas, plasma etc) and a fighting chance!

A spin on the Zombie/infection genre where the player was the infection source, had to avoid contaminating NPCS especially valuable ones, but also had action/combat elements like Devil May Cry or Tekken Force.

As a comic it kept the 3-d videogame aesthetic. The story expanded significantly and went for a presentation that feels more TV series. Something along the lines of Stranger Things meets The Boys

1st & 3rd Person Comic
A noticeable feature of the comic series is the inclusion of 1st person (meant to feel like a FPS videogame or found footage), transition into 1st person is tied to MC Owen's abilities :video_camera:

The story follows brothers Owen and Evan.
Family and brotherhood are major themes (it can also be seen as a genuine kinship between a straight and gay sibling too). Owen is an easy protagonist to step into as the sheltered little brother, while Evan is both a bag of surprises and protective big brother.
After hearing an eerie hum on April 5th, both brothers become super spreaders of a virus. They unwillingly start an outbreak in their hometown but also gain unusual abilities.

The brothers encounter other super spreaders. But only time will tell which of them can truly be trusted. (only super spreaders are immune to mutating into monsters upon close contact).

Expect rollercoaster style action mixed with fear of accidentally infecting others and mystery powers.
Display of powers are unusual and unpredictable but blend elements form other enjoyable genres (sword n sorcery, zombies, vampires, lycans, superheroes, and martial arts)

Some clips from comic of Evan transforming his Spit into solid matter, which is one of the earlier abilities displayed:

Compared to the infected,
there's something lycan-like and gas-like about this opponent :wolf:

As someone who is a sucker for immersion and background details, expect to find lots of it in this series. Excited to see what theories people come up with based on what they see.

It's my 1st time making a webcomic. While I hope to eventually update the layouts of the earlier episodes, it's been a fun learning experience with each episode. You'll also notice the vast improvement in later episodes.

Also I'd gladly support back anyone who supports sickboy. On the Tapas version of Sickboy, I enjoy doing cool Tapas Series shoutouts for fellow creators who are active subscribers. (i plan to continue this next year)
[was hoping to grab some examples n drop here but Tapas.io moving slow :worried: examples can be seen across the series]

This got long, I truly took advantage when u said "feel free to make a long post about it" :joy:

Thanks everyone who passed by n read this, and good luck with everyone's series too :smiley: :thumbsup:

Crystal Blue is my attempt at a modern fantasy epic. It has complex lore and world building, even a completely different origin to the earth than our real world has, though people still believe in common earth theories/theologies involving the creation of mankind, they are all wrong lol.

I really enjoyed redesigning traditional fantasy creatures, creating fragments of ancient documents and languages etc. To make the world and it's history feel real, not with lots of convenient holes where facts are 'irrelevant.' It's a whole world and I wanted to give people the impression of phants (fantasy creatures) having just as much history as we do.

The main character is a mermaid, and designing her visual design and just the genetics of mermaids in general was one of my favorite parts of the process. Mermaids in this world are venomous, bioluminescent, they all have legs, and the females can also reproduce asexually, like certain sea creatures, which leads to very unusual family trees.

I also think Mora is one of my most aesthetically interesting leads, between her melanism and her glowing purple vitiligo. She's biracial, but the combination of genetics she received from her grandparents is far from quintessential because she WOULD have been a clone and her grandfather's DNA was sort of just overlayed over her grandmother's. Hence her blue eyes and wavy hair from grammy, but African features too that don't hint much toward her Welsh genes.

Here's some art of the characters:

Mora with her vitiligo covered.

The male lead:

Art of them made by @remiquise

I am 10 subs away from geting 25 subs.
Thanks everyone who passed by n read this, and good luck with everyone's series too :smiley:

I'm just going to... slide right in here

The idea for Jinxed, Marked, & Severed came from the 2nd episode of The Boys, where the main characters spend the entire 60 minutes trying to figure out the logistics of killing a superhero. I wanted to create a fantasy story where the main characters are especially fragile compared to others they meet, and as mercenaries, are forced to make absurd plans work for even a chance of survival.

The main trio of characters was especially fun to make! The lead is Erland - a de-facto leader with no magical abilities to speak of, but enough intuition and smarts to get by. I wanted the feel of the group to resemble a group of siblings who outwardly hate each other, so the other two members ended up being an archetypal younger sister, and older brother.

Rum, who's also unable to use magic (but for different reasons) is the vulgar hothead, whereas Wulfram, the only member of the party with magical abilities, is forced to act as a stoic mediator, making sure that his two 'siblings' don't kill one another. He gets through it with pipe smoke, and tattoos.

So, what to expect? The story has a magic system focused around the ability to control a singular 'object' (i.e. water, fingernails, bricks), and follows the trio as their diverging goals drag them in different directions across the wide continent. If you're curious, I would appreciate it if you gave it a read! It's a Tapas AF Tourney submission, so every view helps (plus, I love seeing people get enthralled with the action)

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Here's my Action/Comedy webcomic series CrimiNET!

Rivo Alverstone, a young raccoon, along with his newfound criminal friends band together and form a bank robbing gang, in order to post and livestream their crimes online for the secret underground social media app known as CrimiNET.

The story while being a high-octane crime/heist story, it acts as a social satire on modern social media influencers and trends, to show just how easily innocent people can be influnced, and just how far some people are willing to go just for likes ,clicks and just to feel "cool" in this new modern age.

The story follows 4 main characters:

Rivo Alverstone: A young raccoon who works minimum wage, who is fed up with with boring nothing life.

Talon Redds: A flamboyant cardinal who streams on CrimiNET, skilled with cars and driving

Lyndi Croyle: A mysterious emo cat, the brains of the group and extremeley tech savvy

Jojo Wild: A wild unpredictable frog, lives for the thrill of the punk life.

For those who like fun characters and explosive action, this would probably be a good read for you!

Reaf Here!

Why people should read it?
- if you have a hard time sleeping, go read it. It might help you.

What went into it?
- conspiracy, shonen anime (Naruto, Bleach, yuyu Hakusho) paranormal, various religious and philosophical concepts (Christianity, Buddhism, stoicism), manosphere (incels, mgtow, pua) related themes.

Pieces of art?

- varied. Mostly set somewhere in North America year 202X AD.

Type of atmosphere?
- overall dark with some funny moments.

Hey nice to see a few new series here! Glad so many people are putting in so much effort to show off their comics/novels.

Pardon this long eyesore of a promo. Had no patience to fix the aspect ratio on some of these images. Hope you can read the red text at least!

*Welp, can't read most of the speech bubbles here, lol! If ya wanna know, then read:

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Hopefully I didn't raise the bar too high! But I LOVE to overdo my promos when I can. It's just too fun!

I feel ashamed that I really just dropped my link in a bunch of these normal promo threads in the beginning. I saw others doing that and thought "okay, seems like the way they do it here. Seems... pointless, but who am I to say that.".
But I really like this approach here!
I'm... super bad at self-promo, but I'll try my best. :sweat_smile:

Should be a piece of cake...
Here we go
- Take some super overdone clichès:
Good vs. evil, angels vs. demons
A damsel in distress
A hot guy with a fortress and countless servants
Power imbalance
A romance against all odds, enemies to lovers
- Season it with:
Some more fantasy elements
A certain darkness
Grown-ups (get the stuff that's a bit more aged, like 30+)
Some action
Some of the other action
- Stir it and make sure that the large chunks are crushed. New, more complex flavours should spark as a result:
There is no black and white, only gray in different nuances
This "damsel" can and will fight back hard
Didn't you know that fire burns? And no pampering in sight...
Power is a question of circumstances and perspective
Love doesn't fix anything miraculously, relationships are hard work
-The consistency should be chewy but not fall apart. Enjoy in slow pace

Sooo, I hope you get where we're going. :wink:
If you enjoy diving into darker topics, a harsher world, into the despair of being an angel imprisoned by a demon, well, I have something for you.
There won't be much horror- or gore-like elements, but you can expect a lot of other heavy, maybe even disturbing stuff. I'm not fond of adding drama for dramas sake. And it's also just not necessary... cause there're a lot of bad things happening anyways. Just because the world is like it is.
But this story is not a feast of darkness, there's always a bit of hope, a ray of light.
Cause... why going on, when it's all doomed from the beginning?
So, romance and love are there. But they're not easy.
It's all a question of the decicions made. What is one willing to fight for? And how much is one willing to pay...

A bit related art (drawn by me):

For more infos please take a look at the description. :slight_smile:
Read with care; 18+/ mature

EN (I translate it myself, so it won't be perfect :neutral_face:)


Whoa, this is an intense promo piece! :scream: And while I couldn't read all the bubbles, it was easy to get the meaning overall.
Thumbs up!

I like what you told about the process of the making, how you based the setting on your hometown, what inspired you and such. :grinning:
And thank you for starting a thread like this. Feels way more satisfying and informative than the others. :blush: