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Feb 2019

I have a friend and she's a lurker on here, but I swear she's super nice and down to earth! @kaetana reached out to me back when I was looking for someone work on a comic with me a few months ago, but uh.. the project fell through. Whatevers, we came out good buddies. She's like.. super understanding of a lot of stuff including why I ended the project we were working on together, and I wanna link to her artwork, because even though it fell through, she made some good artwork while it was a thing! So I'd like for her original stuff get some love here or in the comments on her page~

And you can find more of her stuff here~

She's a quite a bit of a shy bean, and that's kinda why I'm making an intro thread for her. But she swears she'd like to be one of us here in our dysfunctional family, I just think she needs a little head start. Like if you ain't gonna do it, I will, dang it! I'm hoping she'll read some nice comments if y'all make any and that she'll eventually drop in on her own whenever she wants. But if she doesn't then.. ehhh, no harm done lol so.. yeah, say hello to @kaetana!

  • created

    Feb '19
  • last reply

    Feb '19
  • 12


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Wouldn't know if Kaetana would be reading this, but:

I am a super-lurker on everything; I never comment or respond or do anything to signify my presence on any site or community.
But even I feel confident enough on this forum to comment out loud like this. Which means there's something special about this place; whether it's the relatively small number of users around or the great people and atmosphere.
Just saying.

Also if somebody called me out like this, I'd have a heart attack

Hmmm, what an interesting set of thoughts that someone could relate to...

As for the heart attack comment, yeah, I'm aware of the dick move that this is xD She wants to get involved but thinks it'd be weird to start interacting with everyone out of nowhere. She's also afraid of saying the wrong thing and possibly offending people.. I figure, why not show her what the community might think of her before she fully steps onto the scene. I mean, I'd like for her to be on here too but I'm not exactly trying to force her to comment either lol

I dunno. The art certainly looks nice. But what else can we say if we don't know anything more about the person, besides the fact that she have drawn it? :thinking:

Hiiii dear lurker!
Your art is really nice, and feel free to jump in on any conversation or thread in here, this is a very open-minded, open-armed community! We never ate anyone, not even those of us who have food as a nametag. Also we're all weird. Very.
Anyway, nice art, dick move, welcome, bye! :smiley:

I started watching your friend on DA. Good stuff. Thanks for sharing.

@tired_programmer Hell if I know, I'm bad at introducing friends to people in general lol uhhhh idk how much I can say about her, that's why I kept the description only about her personality. I dunno how much she'd be okay with me airing out her hobbies and stuff. So like.. idk a simple hello and a welcome would be fine, I guess?

@minerrale @inkycharland Thanks for supporting despite my awful move in promoting her stuff xD

I'd like to add the following remark to this for more clarity. It is done from my experience, gained here during 4 month, while I've been at this forum:

Most of people here are not aggressive and not resentful, so they will likely not say anything rude to you (at least, intentionally) until you don't irritate them.

  • If you'll irritate or offend someone accidentally, they will likely explain what are you doing wrong in polite way. So you'll understand this and evertything will be ok; you may not to be affraid to say something wrong unintentionally, it will not lead to catastrophe of any sort.
  • If by the chance somebody will offend you in any way, you can explain it calmly as well, and the person will likely apologize and will keep in mind what they shouldn't say such a things to you again. If they would continue to be offensive (which is unlikely, but still), they will have a time to think about their behavior in temporary ban. :smirk:

According to my observations so far, the problems are arising only in people who ignore reaction of others for too long and continue doing annoying things after several clear explanations. So if you pay attention for others words and try to be respectful for them, everything should be ok and you shouldn't have any problems.

Hello! Have some emoji flowers ~ :sunflower: :rose: :blossom:

I'm usually the lurker type too, but Tapas forum is basically the only place on the Internet where I interact with people like this since everyone's so nice :slight_smile:

Also your art looks very good!

See you around ~

Hi everybody. :sweat_smile: Thank you for all the kind words and reassurances, I knew basically everybody on here was super nice and all but my anxiety just has to be a jerk about things sometimes haha.

Not sure exactly what I should say about myself...I'm working on a fantasy/action comic, semi-D&D inspired. Haven't posted yet because I'm still building up that buffer, but I hope to be able to launch in the next few months. Other than that I tend to like geeky stuff, video and tabletop games (as you could probably guess from the D&D bit lol) and I do a bit of LARPing as well.

Anyway thanks again for the welcome, and thanks @ar-ninetysix for the dick move that nonetheless got me to actually post on here. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ooooh tell us when you launch your comic! I'd love to read it! :smiley:
And again, welcome ^^