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Yeah. Personally I've never been bothered by it because a) They're a small company, they've gotta make money and idk what their various income streams actually look like so maybe the high margin here is important for them, who knows? Anyway I don't mind supporting Tapas too since I like the site. …
I think I can confirm that's not the case since I've spent that on tipping non-premium people before. I've always just assumed the discrepancy between what you pay for the ink and the value it redeems to was a way of increasing Tapas' margins, along with the fee ¯_(ツ)_/¯
ok wait guys is it just me or are the tapas emotes basically the same size as the other emotes
The fact that they have to fit in the same resolution square is a feature of the forum software that Tapas can't fix afaik
I don't get it ^^;
Not at all imo... I mean, if stories can be set 50 or 100 or 1000 years in the past, why not 3? Personally I have no clue what year my stories are set in (although admittedly these are short ones without highly developed worldbuilding). Unless there's a particular reason why it needs to be set in a …
I'd say hell yeah, ideas are expendable anyway. It's much easier to make ideas than to make money X'D
intellectual property, i.e. your story
Things to consider would be: Avocados like full sun, although I've read that for the first couple years after planting they can be damaged if the sun is too intense, so maybe somewhere that's partially shaded while the tree is short, but that will allow full sun when it grows taller. If you can …
To clarify, I'm not talking about artists becoming completely obsolete, but the point at which AI evolves enough to replace the majority of artists jobs and make it really difficult for humans to succeed professionally (I mean, it's already difficult but you know what I mean) @stnmaren but what if…
So I found this free online AI tool, which puts two images through an algorithm to produce a result with the subject matter from the first image interpreted in the 'style' of the second image. I tried it out with some random photos and some random art I had saved in a folder: [image] [:doggo…
This is amazing !! [:cry_01:] [image]
Not mine but this one is too gold not to mention ~
Brother Bear was one of my favorite movies as a kid ~
Maybe just some color correction would help? Normally metal has higher contrast I think (and possibly lower saturation, at least in shadow / midtone areas?) But they're really pretty though ^^
I use Firefox too, although there have been instances when I've had to use Chrome for something that doesn't work properly on Firefox. As for Ecosia being just a drop in the bucket... yeah. Definitely it's not going to come close to solving environmental sustainability by itself, although I don't…
So I found out about Ecosia a while ago and it's one of those things that just makes me really optimistic about humanity ~ Basically it's a search engine that uses the profits from search ads to plant trees by partnering with other organizations and initiatives around the world. Not only that, but…
[image] Elon Musk :DD
Ah, forgot about that one -_-; But it's all good, since it's all for the sake of... (...what's the point of existing again?) ...memes or something, I think?
As far as I'm aware being uncomfortable with your voice when you hear it recorded is a really common phenomenon, since we're all used to hearing our own voices differently than everyone else due to the sound traveling directly through our heads. I don't dislike my voice (except that it's pretty mono…
That I am stuck in a body that needs to eat and sleep all the time or it'll die
Some successful webcomic artists like Tom Siddell (Gunnerkrigg Court), Novil & Powree (Sandra and Woo, Gaia), and Mac Smith (Scurry) do like 2-4 pages per week (Mac Smith has crazy-detailed and gorgeous art though). I'm pretty sure Japanese mangaka usually go from like 12-20 pages per week. But t…
casually pokes head in Btw I think there was something about the number of flags required to hide a post being an issue (2, right?) Is that even a parameter that mods can change or is it baked into the forum software? Just curious is all Also round of applause for this thread actually being …
Maybe start really small. Like four-panel comics. Preferably something not related to any larger idea or project to take the pressure off. You're going to make mistakes at first so might as well do it while the commitment is low. And/or if you're not already, try working in batches. Tbh idk what …
My whole brain can hardly keep up so I don't think I could afford to lose part of it lol
They look kind of like they're glaring angrily and kind of like they just have a headache... 3/10
Not that far for sure ^^; I guess to give examples: Color-wise, I usually start with an ambient / main color based on what I feel like, then other colors as I go, based on (a) what I feel like, (b) the colors of the objects I'm drawing and the lighting conditions, (c) color theory. Stuff like…
I guess I am mostly the cerebral type. I usually try to start out with as clear of an idea as possible about what I want to do, then it's a matter of trying to follow the appropriate steps. But sometimes winging it is part of the steps. And I really don't have much of a set formula; I will pretty mu…
Binge watch youtube tutorials (and speedpaints too) so you can avoid all the most common mistakes without having to learn the hard way. Then just keep drawing a bunch, making as many mistakes as you can while ruthlessly identifying and fixing them whenever you can. The further out of your comfort…
Holy crap this is good
Thank you OP for this thread and thank you Dawg for finding it
Was just curious about this and thought it'd be interesting / informative to get an idea of what minimum wage is like around the world. In the U.S. it's $7.25 / hour set by the federal government, although many states enforce higher ones (mine doesn't lol)