18 / 91
Aug 2020

I was so surprised when I first found out that Howl's Moving Castle was a book! I checked it out from the library immediately after I found out and binge read it so hard. The movie definitely does not do it justice.

1 A contest I literally saw on the day it opened. I thought it would be fun to try to finish a whole comic in 2 months (I did not) plus a deadline makes you stop fooling around. ;D

2 The Winter Prince. It's the most savage King Arthur tale I've ever read.

3 Uuuuhhh 50 I guess would be cool

  1. I've had my characters for such a long time and I always had a story in mind for them, so I always wanted to put them on a page and share them with others in hopes they would like them just as much as I do.

  2. I don't really have a favorite book, but I do like the Fazbear Frights book series.

  3. My next milestone is 25 I'm at 17

Into The Shadows

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My comic:

1) the idea came from a contest I did a few years ago.

2) my favorite book is the lies of lock lamora.

3) my next milestone is 50 subs

  1. I already had the idea for it when a friend and I were just talking about it as a joke. They didn't seem to be too interested in it after a bit and now they don't talk to me at all, so I kinda dropped the idea for a bit. I've always wanted to make comics but I never really knew how so they didn't go well. Then I started watching videos by McKay & Gray and Lavendertowne. Those taught me a lot about drawing and planning comics and that gave me a lot of enthusiasm to try again. So here I am, starting yet another comic, but this time I'm smarter.

  2. My favorite is Wings of Fire book 3/9. It's not the best book series in the world, but I enjoy them and the protagonists of books 3 and 9 are easily my favorites.

  3. 25, because I only have three

My comic:

  1. There's hardly any Western-Asian comics

  2. My own comic (Yes)

  3. I don't know. I just want people to read my shit

My comic discusses the high school struggle from an Asian man perspective and the ostracization and hostility the protagonist face.

  1. Nachos Con Carne was based off characters I had in my head since the sixth grade. I spent the next few years making up stories in my head with these characters, and then reading comics like Sluggy Freelance and Megatokyo in college inspired me to put my characters into a webcomic.
    Words. came about because of my frustration about the lack of proper female character development in shonen anime. The characters were taken from some designs I had laying around.
  2. I have a few that I've enjoyed - E.R. Braithwaite's To Sir With Love, Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, Frankenstein, 1984, but definitely Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I am a tremendous fan of British humor.
  3. I was lucky enough to have ink support turned on prior to an Inksgiving event, so my current target is 100 subscribers.
  1. I was big fan of webcomics so I want to experiment and make my own.
  2. My favorite book would be Series of unfortunate events.
  3. My next subscriber milestone is 25.
  1. I always liked to make small short comics about things I liked ^^
  2. 1984 because it makes you really think about society & government
  3. 100 ^^

Here's mine

  1. I started to write a fantasy story about my friends back in high school and made a comic that was eventually scraped. I spent over 10 years developing it to what it is now. To me, it was a story worth to create.

  2. I'm not much a reader, but my favourite English book is Stephen King's Dolores Claireborne, my favourite French book is Ces enfants d'ailleurs by Arlette Cousture. My favourite comic series is a tie between Tintin, Sailor Moon and Locke & Key.

  3. My next milestone is 100. (I'm at 50)

  1. Ive always liked to draw, and Ive always loved comics and wanted to make one.
    But when I started playing dungeons and dragons 4 years ago, I had so much fun with my group and their adventures, so I really wanted to turn it into a webcomic.

    1. I really like the "Knights of the silver dragon" series. I not sure wich one and I just love them all xD

    2. My next milestone is 25 xD

My comic - The foxgloves (adventuring company)

Thank you so much for reading <3

  1. I was asked if I wanted to contribute something for my college's school paper, and I decided to write comic strips for it (there was only one other person submitting comics to the paper before me). Eventually, I became the head comic writer, and now I post them online!

  2. Hmmmmm. My favorite book series would have to be Scott Pilgrim. I've read the entire series, watched the movie, and played the video game more times than I can count.

  3. My next subscriber milestone is 50 (I'm at 35)

What made you want to make your comic?
- I don't know really, I think it's just love? Love to drawing and comics and making stories.

What's your favorite book?
- Oh, got it a lot. The Expanse, Witcher, Jurrasic Park, Fog, Duma Key

What's your next subscriber milestone?
- 100 (I got 64)

my comic: https://tapas.io/series/Laos-Chronicles

Thank you for your support

What made you want to make your comic?
- I've always loved writing stories as a kid. I used to draw pictures on paper and put dialogues on them, only to realize they were called comics. Now that it's the digital age, I'm able to make more comics easier.

What's your favorite book?
- W.I.T.C.H. and Scott Pilgrim comics, but mostly SpongeBob storybooks

What's your next subscriber milestone?
- 1,000 but it shouldn't really matter as much. It's more fun to see comments than the numbers.

Ooh I love these!

What made you want to make your comic?
The main character of the comic, Tonx actually started out as a character in a roleplay I was a part of. Back then she was a human and I only developed the furry idea aftr the rp closed. I tried to write about her as a book but that did not work so I made an effort to get into drawing and developed it into a comic instead. Also the comic version of Tonx is much more light hearted than what she initially was in the role play.

What's your favorite book?
I would say that my favourite book is 'The Call of the Wild', I really admire stories that focus on animals without the animals needing to speak.

What's your next subscriber milestone?
I only have 10 so my next goal would be 25.

wait a second is that a pewidepie reference?

  1. A couple of factors. I always wanted to have my story become an animated series...and a comic seemed like a good way to work my way there. Also I grew up with a lot of cartoons and comic strips and books as influences, then fell in love with manga. And the last factor...age. I was turning 30 and had yet to start. So I did.

  2. Hard choice...um... Probably Lord of the Rings trilogy or the Chronicles of Narnia series.

  3. 100 subs is my next milestone.

(Link is in my profile)

Hi there! I'm Q, but SnackbagStudios also has Heidi and Line. It's nice being 3 on a comic!

  1. I made a DnD campaign for us, and the others liked it so much, they wanted to help make it into a comic! I still can't quite believe it...

  2. My fave book is usually what I read at the moment, but I LOVE Terry Pratchett's "Fifth Elephant", and Madeline Miller's "Circe"

  3. Our next sub milestone is 1.3k (we JUST reached 1.2 and HOLY SMOKES Y'ALL I never would've thought!!)

Here's the comic, hope you enjoy adventures, magic, and slow-burn found family!
