7 / 13
Apr 2022

I really don’t like color flatting. And since I use sketchier lines there’s always an extra step to make sure the color is filled out. Clip Studio has the best bucket tool, but even then I want to move faster. I didn’t like Krita, but there was one tool it has that I always liked.

It works where you pretty much put a stipe on color in the right place, click a button, and it fills it for you. I know Clip Studio technically has a tool like this...

But I hate how “glowy” this tool is it with the way all the colors bleed into each other. I’d like something that make colors COMPLETELY flat. Here’s another really old tool I saw do it.

Any suggestions? Does anyone know if there’s a way to edit the COLORIZE tool to stop that watercolor look? Could there be something in the Clip Studio Asset Store? Could there be a third party tool to use? Should I just switch back and forth between Clip Studio and Krita? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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    Mar '22
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    May '22
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Don’t mind me. Following the thread just to gain this fabulous secret power :eyes:

I generally use this. It's pretty comfy and easy to use/fill with no gaps (Both are assets for Clip Studio)

Sometimes tho, I feel like using this eraser

your welcome, there are different tools and other assets on the CSP store so it's always good to check them out

Ha ha..uh... I appreciate the links and I do realize this reply is a week late but.. :sweat_smile: Have you figured out to get the “close and fill tool without gaps” tool to work? I thought from the instructions in the asset store that you would set the ink layer to “reference” and fill under it with the tool on a different layer, but I’ve been trying that with no success. :weary:

You have to make sure that the tool's reference is selected to the exact choice.

Like this, you have it selected for every single layer, and all lines will be detected

In this method you have to make sure that the background layer is locked so it won't be detected

In this other method, the tool will recognize the lineart marked as reference layer to be the one which has to detect.

Still, you cannot fill with different colors under the same layer, you have to use different ones or otherwise this is what happens

That explains a lot! Thanks - I gave up on this tool after trying to put multiple colors on one layer and it drove me crazy. Will give it another shot since it seemed otherwise really nice.

My way i work with it is flat colour the whole thing im filling in one colour. Then make a new layer and clip it to the flat. Then after filling in the bits I right click - transfer to layer below. And repeat till finished

Hmmmmm thanks for another approach!! I think I'm gonna try a clipping folder over the flat with the color layers inside. :thinking: I'd actually get some use out of keeping them separated - that way adding patterns for clothing and shiny glows over the metallic bits should be easier (instead of going back with the select color gamut I can just clip over those layers). Hyped to try it!

I just set the magic wand tool to select a single colour X3 i mainly have a folder for the background then one for characters n foreground bits

1 month later

closed May 8, '22

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