Im actually interested on what Type of artstyle you feel is underated also...
New Freshmen, means more busy than ever, hence why Ive been gone for a while, I cant a sure if comics next week but I asure thell be coming soon
Also New Sticky ● Notes COMICS out now on Tapas

Art by Bruce Tim

  • created

    Aug '24
  • last reply

    Aug '24
  • 1


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Lauren Child, best know for her illustrations and inspiring the art style of the show Charlie and Lola.

Her style has a very flat paper doll aesthetic with photos and scrap paper being added for detail.

Sometimes even pushing the patterns to an extreme.

I often feel like newer artist sometimes will get overwhelmed with reaching semi-realism in their comics. In school, I wish they did talk about creating illustrations that are more stylized and surreal.