11 / 13
Nov 2024

My comic "mental soup" is kind of diary entries in the form of poetry-like thoughts and representative illustrations. I use it to vent out my thoughts, but it also helps me practice my art, as it's drawn in a style that comes to me really naturally, and I feel like I can draw the panels even when I'm too burned out to do anything else, while still daring to try positions I draw less often. Maybe it's just because it's kind of whimsical and surreal. I don't put as much pressure on myself and the panels turnout better than a lot of my other art tbh lol

  • created

    Nov '24
  • last reply

    Nov '24
  • 12


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I admire the people who do this. I am always so incredibly uninspired by my own life. Nothing interesting ever happens and it's soul draining for me.

About 16 years ago, I did start a short comic using a personified version of myself living her life around all the monsters I was afraid of as a kid. Like trying to negotiate with the closet monster because she'd already running late for the party and needs to find something nice to wear. I think that was the closest I ever got to a self-inspired creation.

I write historical fiction so I write mostly about real events and time periods. That said, I do take some creative liberties with my characters.

well I wasn't quite talking about historical fiction, I meant stories inspired by your own life

My novel is definitly based on my own experience at the age of 19. My personal experience is like the ground for the story. But the more I write and the more chapters I do, the more it`s imagination and fiction.

Wild Nights, Hot and Crazy Days is an autobiographical story about growing up gay and closeted in the 1980’s and 1990’s. Most names have been changed, but the events are all true.

Thank you for understanding. To answer your question, not really. I use personal experiences to help me write scenes but don't really write about my personal experiences as a 1 to 1.

Yeah, I do. French Cup is based on my old neighborhood, and many of the people who live in the French Cup neighborhood are based on people I knew or multiple people I knew. French Cup is a coffee shop, because we queers used to gather in coffee shops like they were community centers. You'd go into a queer owned coffee shop and a bunch of your friends would be sitting there. That's what I wanted to recreate in French Cup.

Used to do that it's been awhile...

(Exaggeration of my parents... :laughing: not by much tho. Both were mean and abusive towards each other and their kids - me and my siblings. )

(That was an actual book I had. They made us read that in school. Used to struggle with issues on the meaning of life. I remember i was atheist on a bad day and agnostic otherwise lol )

I'd actually done this with my very first comic Foxtales (now archived) before moving it to a separate series, Gekkering. I haven't done 'slice of life' comics in ages but it is something I've considered going back to though maybe not here ^^;;;

But when it comes to my other stories there's definitely elements of myself or my own experiences mixed in but also a whole lotta other stuff so not too inspired iykwim

Aye, a lot of my stories have irl mixed in even when they're mostly fiction too, so I getcha