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Oct 2018

Since I work the 8-5, doing art and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and managing responsibilities is a challenge. A solution I've been practicing is visualizing in my mind myself attempting pencil strokes, shapes, coloring techniques etc. Its almost like playing chess in my head. Even though I can maybe get only a couple hours a day to draw, I feel really good about my progress since adding meditation to my art strategy. Do you practice any holistic activities to your creative game? Whats been your experience?

  • created

    Oct '18
  • last reply

    Oct '18
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I'm a big fan of holistics in general but not so much in the physical process of making art.

I think, as Bob Ross put it, Happy little accidents are a big part of the creative process. Too much emphasis on perfection/optimizing bleaches the passion out of the work.

Opinions may vary.

Yknow, Personally, happy accidents for me usually come when optimizing something. Kinda forces me out of my comfort zone and I have to rely on my ability to visualize the road not yet paved. It gives me an excuse to be more confident in my ability to navigate the unknown

Well... by optimizing, I'm referencing things like using ruled tools to draw organic forms, removing pressure sensitivities on pens to eliminate uncontrolled line variances... making things overtly technical in execution.

There's a ton to said for letting the sled dogs go the way the sled dogs want to go.

I have drawn things in a trance but its not really much different than when i'm awake, if i'm deep enough it either looks like garbage or too abstract. If anything its just a gimmick to make my work more appealing if I claim I did it in some hippie meditative state people will think its cooler haha!

I definitely understand the whole hippie stigma. It's very hard for me to talk about meditation because it serves as a specific need in performing specific crafts, where many people use it for being non specific. Since it's become a bit of a popculture trend lately I expect to get speculative response. And with art itself being the craft people find it redundant that I'd meditate just to meditate.