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May 2022

I think a lot of people get caught up looking at other people's styles and don't appreciate their own enough, especially if you have things about your style that aren't super popular. So use this thread to think about what you like about your art style and post it down in the comments!

I like my art style because I think it looks kinda unique compared to a lot of styles, especially the ones people usually use for comics. I like the shapes I use for noses and the way I don't close the line for my eyes. I also like how the faces I draw can be used to make intense expressions, but my style is still realistic enough to have more serious moments! And I also like the soft shading I use on a lot of my finished illustrations!

Tell me what you like about your art style!

  • created

    May '22
  • last reply

    Jul '22
  • 38


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I've been thinking about how to answer this for a while...

My style is definitely very distinctive, but I'd have a hard time really comparing it to anything specific. I guess my favorite part about it is what I can achieve with markers. (Yeah, that's markers.)

I work from a lot of photo reference whenever possible, and I'm constantly pushing myself to achieve believable, impressive, sometimes intense light and shadow, a feat that is MUCH harder with markers than it is with digital art. So I guess what I like about my art is largely my colors.

I love the glow and texture and smooth patches and brushy patches and the fact that I can layer a bunch of dark colors on top of each other and end up with blacks that aren't black, but red-black, purple-black, green-black...

I love how quick and casual I can go...

...and how I can put whole weeks into one project and turn out something incredible.

My line art by itself is okay...

But my colors are what bring it to life.

I really like this thread idea, we usually focus too much on things we don't like in our arts and thinking only about things that need improvement c:
Lovely illustrations!

What I like about my artstyle is that it's very flexible and I can easily switch between cute&cheerful drawings and darker ones. And I think I'm quite good in setting the mood correctly.

I also like that usually my art is quite dynamic, even if the character is just standing there.

Anddd I think I do emotions & characters' interactions well. You can see what their relationship is like, and their poses are quite natural.

And I like my backgrounds, I think they are nicely balanced between detailed & simplified to match my characters, and the perspective & composition is okay c:

Sorry for posting my whole gallery :see_no_evil: it's just all those things I now say I like are something I really struggled with, so I'm very happy to see the improvement cx

@Scarlet_Cryptid You did all this with markers?! That's absolutely stunning! The lighting, and all those details, it looks like every single piece took hours.

@igneriss I love your art and how you set the mood! And your poses really are great takes notes

I feel like I can actually learn something from both of you. :smiley:

As for my own art, I think what I like the most about it is how I go through random growth spurts and surprise myself by doing something well or manage to really focus on and practise something I struggled with. (I have ADHD so continuous practice and repetitive exercises are really hard for me and I don't see my progress until I've progressed a significant amount. I just sketch whatever for a while and then suddenly something will prompt an improvement.)

I like how I studied light and colour theory and can create really moody pieces when I put my mind to it.

I also improved my lineart recently and I'm really proud of it.

But I also like that my quicker sketches look quite dynamic and are mostly readable despite being really messy.

What I like the most are my faces. I think it's still it's still evident that I come from a mostly traditional portraiture background. I like that my faves are fairly realistic but expressive enough for a comic (imho at least).

Ah I posted way too many pictures ... Sorry about that. I think the main thing is I'm just happy that my style is exactly what I wanted it to be when I first started drawing comic characters and doing digital art. And sure, I have a long way to go still, but it's still nice to see I'm moving in the right direction.

Your work is extremely impressive for sure! I've tried markers a decent bit and have always had trouble creating light and shadow, but your pieces seem so well rendered!

I really like your style! I think all of them have such a distinct mood and I think you choose your color schemes very well!

I think your style is a good mix where you can draw a lot of detail and distinct faces with how realistic it is, but not be so restricted that you can't create good emotion!

Oh boy this is such a difficult thing to do, but great thread! and good practice to encourgae oneself :sparkles:

but uh, I really like drawing hands and think Ive gotten pretty okey with them by now

and i like my sketches a lot more than my finished art, they just feel looser and more dynamic somehow

Oh they did... they did. :sweat_smile: Markers are pretty fast as traditional media goes... but even a simple panel still takes me a couple of hours to color. Nearly every single thing in any illustration of mine has at least 3 (often 5) layers of color on it. If anyone's curious, this is what my marker work looked like back in... eh, around 2003?

... I've come a long way in almost 20 years...

Thanks for the thread! I'm a pretty self-doubtful (is that a word?) person by nature- and more so of late- so this should be a good exercise in positivity for me :]

My favorite things about my art style are likely my anatomy and colors. Plus, flowy hair and clothing.

'Anatomy' including my body construction skills and my style of drawing characters in general. I always have room to grow, but I think I can get it pretty correct when I put in the effort, and I feel confident about my skill when it comes to drawing people on the spot without a reference- their faces, bodies, expressions, different posing.

It makes me happy to find how natural and comfortable it feels to sketch them. People have always been my favorite thing to draw... so it'd follow that that's what I'm best at.

Otherwise, I've doubted my colors and shading a lot (..especially my comic palettes :p), but sometimes I think they come out really nice and I like them for the most part. Been experimenting more lately with colored shadows/light, which adds a lot.

The way I light my scenes and artworks might actually be a third favorite thing. c:

@AlydaB - those are some really lovely colors! Nothing to doubt at all!

I uh... I have two art styles. Don't mind me tootin' my horn twice...

With this one I like the movement and the expressiveness of the characters, as well as (from a creative stand-point) how quick it is to draw and do the flats. The colors come out nice too.


This one just has the intention of drawing sexy and/or cool-looking characters and I think it serves its purpose admirably. The sketchier lines are more natural to me, so lineart is a much more pleasant experience regardless of the program. I love that I can up the masculine side of the art, because it has a very different energy.

Thank you so much!

I love your art style too- especially the lovely color palettes. The third piece you shared (lake of purple spirits) is my favorite and I keep going back to look at it again :smile: