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Dec 2019

Now it's December it's that time of year again! Art Summaries! (I wish we could figure out a way to do this for writing) So, I thought I'd get this up and running again this year too. We all know the deal by now I'm sure, but once again for people who don't: you grab a template or make your own, and then pick you best or favourite pieces from each month and see how far you've come.

Here's mine for 2019:

My poor computer started dying through August and totally packed it in in September, but we just about managed that green one. After that, only tradiational until the Christmas overtime gets it fixed, but I'm pretty happy with my progress this year.

I used the template HERE38 because I like them to match over the years, but go search for others or make your own. And for anyone new and wants to see how everyone did last year, it's over here:

  • created

    Dec '19
  • last reply

    Jan '20
  • 21


  • 3.4k


  • 19


  • 91


  • 7


@Freemints30 thank you so much! <3 I pride myself with having a shiny artstyle (my friends say the same). <3

Yours look good, bold and strong! <3

I've mostly done work for my comic this year, so I figured I'd do an art summary with some headshots. Still doing the same angles, but the lineart and coloring style definitely got neater. Really happy with how I've been evolving :blush:

I feel like I had a good year! Between school assignments, personal projects, and my ongoing Hollow webcomic, I got a lot done. I drew like six comics this year (between 3 and 36 pages each) and did a lot of illustrations, some cool commissions, and a pretty badass cross stitch pattern, plus my first 3D model and a ton of storyboards and animatics.

13 days later

I actually ended up not drawing February-April due to vision loss and joint problems, and have had to switch to primarily (IE all but minor edits) traditional media when before I was all digital.

In chronological but not month-by-month order: