2 / 14
Feb 2021

Hi im an artist ho want to try to make a long proyect webtoon abaut adventure, fantasy, comedy and romance. I like to find a writer (with experience) to make something with him. I really dont have an idea so i want to discuss that with the person im gona to work with.
Unfortunately, I am broke but any money made from the webcomic would go 50/50
Some of my art:

  • created

    Feb '21
  • last reply

    Mar '21
  • 13


  • 851


  • 9


  • 7


  • 1


What specific kinds of things are you looking for in a story? How long do you want this story to be?

Will be long, dont know how much can be. Well i mostly want to make an adventure story mix with romance.

I’m interested!

Would a more serious story be okay? With comedy, but overall more ‘epic’ in feel?

Will be a mix betwen serius and comedy yes. Yes definitly will be an epic feel!

Your art is really good especially the backgrounds. I may not have something currently that fits your criteria but I can PM you a doc of some of my ideas. I wouldn't be able to work on anything new as I'm in school and working on a big long project. And if you do somehow decide to have me write something up I don't expect anything in return when it comes to profits as I know what it's like to draw and to dedicate your time to it. at most I would ask for 20% but realistically I would only accept 10-15.

Ooh, this is tempting. I'm sketching out ideas for a story that fits those genres.

if ur still looking I have a story for a shonen fantasy webtoon my Instagram is dreamer56839 and my Gmail is crusherdreamer467@gmail.com

Hey! I have a webtoon right but the art is terrible. I have a lot of confidence in my story writing and the sotry seems to fit in with all your categories!
its called "The Fallen Angels" if you want to have a read and see for yourself! This will be a long project with romance, mystery, twists, adventure, action and superhero with major world development in an alternate world and lots of character development too. If your interested just send a reply!

1 month later

closed Mar 29, '21

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