10 / 25
Jul 2024

Number one that went wrong for me is to find team members who want to do the
same genre :slight_smile:

I'll write or provide already written stories/concepts.

Hello Mektofy, I would like to collaborate with you, I am a writer and I don't mind the lettering!

I have one story idea for a funny cartoon like comic and I´m looking for people to
work on the story and the comic with me. My plan is to print the comic because
it is my dream to have my own printed comic one day.

I have the basic plot but no good end.

Mabye someone is interested in giving me their input or working on the
comic together. I´m looking for a writer, letterer and colorist. I don´t know
how long the comic will be but I guess around 20 pages is a good goal.
And like I said, my plan is to print the comic

Also a hobby webtoon artist but with a weakness towards storyboards.
I too don't have a lot of tme because work, but I'm also looking for a team to join so count me in.

Does this mean you love doing storyboards or are you bad at doing storyboards?
Sorry english is not my first language, I googled "weakness" and it can mean both

I would also like to be part of a team. Although I'm new to comic creation I have been studying it for years yet not yet put them to practice. I could help out in any small jobs like; sketch layouts, concepts, covers, help with writing, inking, lettering.

It means that I am really bad and hate doing it but I'm trying to become better at it:smile:

So we have a lot of people who would join a team.
How can we make something happen?

12 days later

This topic shows the many reasons why collabs don´t work :smiley:

I have sent you Discord invite link in your direct message :+1: