4 / 11
Nov 2021

(Really Long Post Sorry)
Hi, I'm looking for a writer for a shonen/sienen style of webtoon which has a manga style of artwork. I've read a lot of series but I'm mostly inspired by one piece and hunter x hunter which may be telling from the art. . However I still am not ready, I'm a few years away from wanting to officially start. I'm also in college right now for another two years so I'm busy, you might be wondering why I even making this if I'm busy and a few years away. Firstly, I want someone whos patient with their work of writing like I am with art, someone who is willing to not rush into it and make sure it's solid before. Someone who will brainstorm for a long time with me, a lot of great comics came with lots of preparation and planning. Secondly, I still want to do concept art and character art, etc, before as a sort of practice before the official thing. And lastly, I am very picky and may or may not find a writer who has a story that interests me. I've made a post like this once before and I feel bad telling people no to ideas they put so much effort and love into. so have low expectations, I will probably say no but that doesn't mean I don't want to hear your ideas or that it's impossible or that it's bad, I'm just weird, picky, and specific. I know I'm asking for a lot and many people don't want to wait that long so I understand if you will look for some other artist.

Maybe some things to get an idea of what I like in a story and what I might be looking for either consciously or subconsciously.

  1. Characters need to die, not too many but there needs to be sense of danger and tension which a story like fairy tail lacked IMO.
  2. Main characters should be likable, some with big ambitions and others not so big, but they also need to have flaws.
  3. Some overall arching purpose like becoming pirate king, hokage, finding a dad, best swordsman, etc.
  4. interesting worldbuilding
  5. villains who you root for despite hating them, who are morally grey, complicated, and maybe even likeable or charismatic. maybe don't appear as a villain in the beginning.
  6. story with several arcs which don't repeat the same thing or idea, I'm thinking several hundred chapters but probably no more than 400-500.
  7. cliches and tropes are okay to have as long as it is not too many, i'd rather see the breaking of tropes.
  8. some really deep message or themes either overall or in a specific storyline which is told in a subtle way.

You can send me a private message on here or ask me for my discord in the private message.

Heres some examples of my art recently. I mostly do doodles and sketches from imagination, as I thought that would be the fastest way to get to a professional level. I have more examples if you need to see.

35 20 16
  • created

    Nov '21
  • last reply

    Dec '21
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Hello, I sent you a PM. :blush: Messaging here as well so more writers see this. Hopefully, you get a compatible partner out of this!

Hi there. I have been writing a battle shonen story that is inspired by many other battle shonen like Dbz, naruto, bleach, one piece, hunter x hunter and many more. Please take a look at my story. When you read it think of it as watching an anime unfold in front of you.

Here is a summary, the link is below.
Aniro entrusted the first chief to find his father. She entrusted watching over the village and raising Aniro to her husband. Unwilling to take further advantage of the couple’s kindness, Aniro entrusts himself to become a warrior strong enough to navigate the dangerous world and find his mother.

Have a team of artists working on a new novel. If you want to, you can join us. We are in need of talented artists

Hi my name is Judnel, I am an ambitious writer of 24 years in the U.S

This is non-paid but if you decide to join in due time I will pay you myself. (Collaboration)

Seeking artist that can draw action scenes or make a decent webtoon.

My time is your time if you join me and we will make something work I guarantee it.

All my contacts will be at the bottom.

Title: NN


Premise: (This is the story of a young boy who was found on a hill with no memories and is adopted as his new family goes to a new city and after he begins to make a name for himself everything is taken away by a winged human-like demon who will not rest until it kills him and he knows it. he must amass power and strength to stand up against a city killing demon all while being pursued by a vengeful noble who believes those two are connected in more ways than one.) (there are plenty of fight scenes) (Magic)

Spoiler: There is more than 1 world

NOTE: I have been writing this story for 4 years going on 5 and love every minute of it. If this story interested you feel free to contact me and I will tell you more of it. I am finishing the novel as we speak.

This is NN he has a kind personality but is goal-oriented

Monetization: My goal is to make this a webtoon or/and manga, then anime. I will build a fanbase and help out my artist along the way. TO ALL ARTISTS: I WILL SAVE MONEY AND PAY YOU!

I would like to state that I am going to make this happen and if you want to join reach out! There you will know more about the story and you can decide if you want to stay or go!

my discord is Jud#3101

Hi, I really like your art style and would like to work with you if you’re interested! My discord is LunaLorre#1223

hey first off love the art(i think I'm following you on Instagram already) and secondly I would like to say that the story you are looking for is something me and my team are trying to/in the process of making. We already have a graphic novel coming to Inkr Comics, so if that gives you an idea of how successful we are as of right now. We have the basics of the world and a cast of characters all ready-made(though they are probably going to change down the line). I won't go too far into it here as we are hesitant in sharing projects to the public that aren't off the planning stage yet.

Hey, really great art, love how each character is showing its own persona!!
Sent you a DM with some pitches.

You have really amazing art. If you are still looking for a writer, I have a nice story up my sleeve. I will send details of my story on your dm in Insta.

1 month later

closed Dec 22, '21

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