1 / 18
Sep 2021

IG: https://instagram.com/euphisa22
Twitter: https://twitter.com/euphisa1 (I post some sketches there)
Sequential art: https://m.tapas.io/episode/22794478

Disclaimer: I am only able to draw comics in September and December.

Hello, I hope you have seen my sequential art (link above). I am looking for a writer who is able to write in Victorian Oxford English. I want to illustrate a story that would look aesthetic for my portfolio, hence I am looking for historial fantasy. However, I will consider other genre, as long as it is very aesthetic. Historical fantasy will take priority though. You can get the idea of what my ideal story is in my sequential art sample I provided.

Length: I am looking to draw about 3 episodes, each 15-20 panels long. You do not have to script panel-to-panel, it is optional.

You must write in clear English, however if your English is a little off, I can help proofread and provide suggestions to improve your sentences. (For example, some people confuse "peek" or "peak" with "pique". I can understand the sentence, and can help correct it proper) I follow the British spelling, so please follow it as well.

I will respond to all of you. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

What is Victorian Oxford English?

It is a historical manner of speech during the Victorian era. It is very polite and formal. Here are some phrases to help you grasp what it is, "Good day, my good sir" "fancy meeting you here" "shall we, mademoselle?"

Some clarification

Genres: I do have some preferred genres, namely light BL (like China-censored kind of BL), Shoujo, Historical, Supernatural, Fantasy. However, your story need not be of those genres. I will strictly not draw romance, action, mecha. Any other genre is fine.

What aesthetic I'm looking for:

  • created

    Aug '21
  • last reply

    Oct '21
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My very first project, Monsters In Plain sight, would probably be a decent fit for what you're looking for. You'd have a degree of artistic license when portraying the monsters, which might be 'aesthetic' enough for your taste. Or maybe not. The whole work is 7 chapters but there's definitely a little room for condensing here.

Hi thank you for your interest. I like your work but unfortunately i'll have to reject it. The English is great, really. However, I am inept at drawing action, and the story does not interest me.

I'm up for the job, since I am also only able to focus on short projects at the moment.
I have not published any works of my own yet, but if you intend to test my skill, just give me a prompt and I'll write a short sample on it. Looking forward to your reply.

Do you have any preferred genre? Any sample of written works? It's alright if you don't have any past works to show.
I like Chinese and Japanese culture. I love light BL (like China-censored kind of BL), Shoujo, Historical, Supernatural, Fantasy. I will not draw: romance, action, mecha.

It is entirely possible I might be capable of fulfilling the requirements of your project; however, I confess I to some confusion as to whether your request is for a bit of customized work, or you seek some previously accomplished work to which you shall provide illustrations.

Awaiting enlightenment at your earliest convenience,

The Scriviner

Both are fine! As long as I get to draw something aesthetic

Setting the roleplay aside... what sort of "aesthetic" are you envisioning?
I haven't any Victorian story bits already written, unfortunately, and to consider writing something from scratch I think I'd need some help to understand what you'd like (since you've rejected one story already).

Eh? You mean love scenes or any romantic story line? 'Cause love makes the world go 'round, you know.

EDIT: I see the artwork you'd like to do. LIke @yoakeryosan, I think some sort of prompt or rough outline or summary of the story you'd accept is in order.

Hmm bromance is fine. Whereas for straight romance or GL, I rather not draw a romantic story line. Love scenes such as out of the blue kisses, flirts, etc are fine, as they do hook readers.

Same here, I'm also into Japanese, South Korean and Chinese Cultures.
I'm capable of writing any genre, except psychological horror and the like. Mecha isn't really my type either.
My preferred genres would be isekai, romcoms and historical (mostly Asian history).

Thanks for your interest! Id love to work with you, but ill leave this thread open for like 2 more days to better compare my options. Ill send you a DM then if I pick you

Hello everyone, I will be picking a writer soon. You can still offer to take up the work or pitch me your story, until I decide on a writer.

Alright, i'll be closing thread now. I have decided on my writer, thank you everyone for expressing your interest.

1 month later

closed Oct 2, '21

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