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Sep 2024

Hi y’all, I’m Scream/Lark (either is fine) a 26yr old Canadian that wants to do some comic work, preferably something paid but willing to consider doing work for free with the promise of revshare/patreon later on! I work full time so I’m not able to do anything requiring weekly/multiple-posts-weekly.

Below are my terms/preferences, please read and consider them before contacting me!

I will NOT work on stories…
• Written/managed by a minor(s), you must be 18+ to work with me.
• With high tech/space/mech/etc elements. Not my thing
• Is only an idea with 0 concept or written work already.
• Anti-2SLBGTQIA+, racist, sexist, etc. sentiment
-> This includes if you support Israel, Trump, or are any sort of TERF/SWERF/Transphobe
• With an underage main character.
• Depicts BIPOC struggles (I'm white and believe this would be better handled by someone BIPOC, however if you are a writer of color and feel my art fits, I will work with you!)

I WILL work on stories…
• With the genres: fantasy, horror, modern, isekai/reborn, action, adventure, etc
• With human, feral, or possibly furry main characters.
• With BL/GL, no romance, minor romance, etc.
• With 18+/kink/smut content (would need to be discussed)
•With dark themes such as gore, abuse, trauma, etc (I love angst)
• Where my style fits your desired look
• That’re focused on male/masc characters or ftm characters (my personal experience)

If this interests you, please post here with your expectations, experience, and a brief idea of your story. You’ll need to have discord for us to chat.

Examples of my art style are here: https://toyhou.se/Scream-/art52

  • created

    Sep '24
  • last reply

    Sep '24
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Hi, there! I have an ongoing series where the main story is finished, but we're in bonus time as long as people still like reading it. You sound like you might like to work on it.

It's a BL, but the characters are non-binary in nature. One of them is ftm (fully transitioned), but dresses femme (he's actually based on me). The other character in the couple is exploring his non-binary identity. They're in the Japanese music industry, and the story explores them as people who are bisexual, trans, and non-binary while being in there. The main story is about Sana (who is the ftm person) dealing with a terminal illness diagnosis. His boyfriend, Tetsu, tries his best to cope. They go on a journey together with the dream of some day performing music together against all odds. It's a beautiful story with lots of imagery of space and stars, the ocean. It's about queer rights in conservative Japan. There's many other characters who are explored, mostly Sana's bandmates. We see his band, Lyra, a lot. We explore their whole history. Despite the themes, there's a heck of a lot of humor in this story. It's about finding the beauty and joy in life despite the worst of circumstances.

I don't mind that you're white. I can help you understand cultural context. Sana is American, anyway. I did that on purpose, so western readers could understand the story better. Sana spends a lot of time explaining American things to Tetsu, and Tetsu and Sana's friends spend a lot of time explaining Japanese things to Sana. In turn, the reader gets to enjoy the explanations, too. It's meant to bring these two separate worlds together in understanding. Btw, there's lots of different kinds of foods in this. Could be fun to draw. The fashion is also fun.

In particular, I wonder what you'd do with Tetsu. He's pretty masculine looking, but he's a drag artist. I often find artists who want to depict him way too femininely as a base. His artistry is looking both masculine and feminine, as his drag character on stage is meant to be both male and female. I'm interested in your style in particular, because all too often queer male characters are depicted too femininely in shape and face, and that's not what I'm going for. The characters, all of them, are quite masculine, but the Japanese music industry insists on femininity being the most beautiful, so you'll see them wearing makeup and exposing clothes and feminine hair, but they're still definitely guys underneath and some of them are pretty uncomfortable about looking so feminine (like Sana's best friend, Yami, who is very masc and masc looking and comes out as gay much later on in the series). I want authentic to the queer experience, and you look like you'd provide it.

Let me know! You can reply here if you're interested. Here's a link to the story. I've got it completely uploaded to another site, but only about a third of it so far uploaded here to Tapas. I've been a queer author for over 20 years. I definitely would be interested in sharing any profit with you 50/50, as fair as possible.

Hi I'm definitely interested in potentially collabing with you. What's your discord so I can reach out?

12 days later

I was going to post my interest but going through your post in Toyhouse gather this is not going to work anymore.

I hope you the best in facing your present trial and the best of everything :slight_smile: