7 / 43
Aug 2016

Ah Congrats!

Can we post our ghostsonas here on this thread too? It'll be fun to see what people come up with X3

Sending you my gryphon ghostsona.

YAY! In that case, here's my derpy Potoo Gryphon ghostsona XD

@JessJackdaw @CyndiFoster Awww those are so adorable!!!
I'm supposed to finish a page for Consuming Darkness due for yesterday, but what-ever, need a break from drawing by drawing more and celebrating 2 years of HoT =D
Here goes the noxxle foxxle ghost, hihi. I added a slinky because there has to be slinkies ghosts in HoT also.

AH! These are TOO cute!!! XD OMG I think this is my favorite internet -sona.

Congratulations!! \o/
This is me as a ghost then! The colors became maybe a bit complex for the art-style imo, but I'm happy with it. ^u^

Congrats! your comic is awesome and the art style is so inspiring. Also, this is a SUPER FUN idea. smiley

pinned Aug 18, '16

goodness knows im late to party but i love HoT and i love ghosts so i had to contribute!?? everyone's designs so far are so cute! v jealous!

anywhere here's me as a long dog. i imagine with a body like that it would be easy to get tied up in knots.

@miczariel sweet! I love noodly characters!

Just so everyone knows, this opportunity will be open for quite some time, so it's not too late to submit a design!

would be better if i actually had a way to draw on my computer, but here's my ghostsona.
I imagine it as really shy and quiet at first, but a totally insane cinnamon bun once you get to know it XD

unpinned Sep 2, '16