Jess Burns
Here's my comic if you'd like to check it out!
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- Jun 8, '16
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- Sep 13, '17
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- Oct 19, '17
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I'm fairly certain if something was 100% original, humanity would be afraid of it and probably want to destroy it. We like things that are familiar. If we can relate to it, we feel at ease. We like adventures but within the scope of the human condition. Anything too far gone might feel distant li…
Oh jeez, traditional watercolor replicated in digital is always going to get a little hairy. Umm, let me give it a go. [image] Hurk, I tried. Here's some tips I discovered. Keep your colors at around 50% saturation. Color block your big forms then use a selection mask to color in the shadow…
I second the motion to change the text to a darker shade. It would make it easier on the eyes. I'm not all too well versed on Tsundere comics, but while I understand the comic's character is supposed to hate many things (since it is the comic's namesake), it might make it hard for the audience to …
Maybe a sky siren assassin where she lures victims to romantic cliffsides. As she inches slowly off the edge, the target leans in for a fatal kiss. Then he'd really fall for her. Ba dum dum tiss.
Something like this maybe? Two panels of continuous action since the monster poofs so quickly. Either smoke or a quick dissolve into pixels could convey a traditional RPG monster death. You could also have it turn into gold or items too if you wanted.
Everyone has had stellar advice so far. As just a quick practice suggestion, I'd recommend the Writing Prompts subreddit. Storytellers of all skill levels test themselves with unique and inspiring prompts that really get those creative juices flowing. These are typically short stories but the t…
You don't want to hold the arrow's exit point, you just balance it. Otherwise that would hurt when it left the bow.
Explaining it is a little difficult. Here's an explaination with pictures to show the difference. You'll need to start at Method 4 for your Traditional Longbow.
There isn't a main reason to be exclusive unless your contractually obligated to only post on one site. You don't loose out getting a chancr to be featured, but once you are, you can no longer post on the opposing platforms. It does take time to edit and change your format to suit the other site…
Yeah the last one looks the best so far. Also a suggestion if you want to try this method. Try out just drawing the forms, no under skeleton (those ball joint lines).
I realized I'm more of a shape artist rather than a line one, and just drawing the shapes and forms I saw helped a lot. Before I …
Seriously, what apps do you use to translate clicks, snaps, squeaks, and ecolocation to text? I must know.
Unfortunately, stnmaren's method doesn't work for foreshortening. When you're dealing with bows, you encounter a lot of it.
I'm going to slap your wrist a little bit, and say you didn't look at the reference hard enough. Let's take a look together. [image]
Archers always hold their dominate …
[image] [image] I don't care if I repeat this until I've gone mad, REFERENCE IS YOUR FRIEND. Going into a pose blind is like learning to ride a bike without training wheels. You might be okay for awhile, but to learn the big stuff you got…
Oh, no worries man. My pleasure.
Umm, I actually don't know. Mostly straight up art tutorials will only get you so far. Tutorials are best used to demonstrate a tool or method like teaching you how to use a program, but art fundamentals like weight and posing are different.
Like anything you …
Not sure what Proko's method is, but here's my take. Sorry if my handwriting is horrible. Let me know if you can't read anything. [image] [image]
Of what I can see, your proportions are okay, but your sense of weight is a bit off. Even if someone is jumping, the human body is constantly trying …
I took the test, and got INFP-A. Less than 4% of the population has it. I guess it's because I never stop daydreaming.
But man, now I'll never get invited to the INTJ cool kid table. At least I have you, J.R.R. Tolkien.
Do you have a price point for the illustrations? How many will you need? Do you have a specific style in mind?
These are helpful questions that might get your artist interested. Good luck! Bestiaries are always so fun.
Haha, I get that too! Usually I just say polietly that "x" is typically a boy/girl name, or a correction with, "no worries, it doesn't impact the story either way."
Oh gosh, usually for me it's I can't remember how to spell the dang name (it'll be a crazy fantasy/Sci-fi name too), so I feel like if I spell it wrong the author will murderize me. I see it's a pet peeve of a lot of creators on the forum for people to get a character's name wrong, and I don't wan…
Oh gosh... the emojis don't look creepy anymore?! Aww, nightmare inducing old emojis you will be missed.
Depends on what the majority of users like though. If BL is any indication, teen fan fiction might just be that cream... D:
Recipe for webcomic recognition: Add several cups of good story. Add equal parts well suited art style and composition. Make sure your mix is legible. Turn up the pacing just right. Add just a pinch of social media presence. Sprinkle a dash of advertising when appropriate. ... And bake for 3-4+ yea…
Actually they just redid their main site to be mobile compatible/friendly, and if I'm not mistaken they also want an app. Plus 90% of their creators do the RSS and social media updates. So at least they're trying to stay on top of things. Still gated though. D:
Aww, Shazz. You're like the life-blood of the forums too, but I understand, it's made many creators uneasy for good reason. On topic, personally @msierra185 , I would just wait for the smoke to settle, before making a decision. Research other publishers like Scholastic, Hiveworks, and SpiderFo…
Aww, jeez I feel like that would only make me sad. D: If we minus out the unsubs I probably get 5-10? I'm not even sure. I tend to try and avoid looking at the number as much as possible.
Aww dude! You gotta try TVPaint then! Granted it has the worst program name ever, it's the go-to program for traditional painterly animation. Movies like Secret of Kells and Song of the Sea were made with it. [image] Gorgeous stuff. Plus, the top notch scho…
They have a free trial where they let you try each version as a separate trial, so why don't you see for yourself if it's enough? : > That's what I'm doing currently at least. Also secondary question, you can use Essentials for game animation (it will export to Unity and Unreal), not sure what els…
I'm pretty sure that's a reference to Street Fighters Zangief character quote,"Crush man's head like sparrow's egg between my thighs." Still a weird thing to say. @WakaXO Aww, thanks, man! ;u;
For the most part, making comics is all about being passionate about a story you want to tell. Large monetization is nearly impossible so it's important not to make it the focus. Also, it takes years usually for a webcomic to get big on it's own, so you gotta be in it for the long haul. Although…
Ahhh, I've been lucky thus far. I really haven't gotten anything "rude." The worst is probably people saying they're confused by something I hoped would be obvious which really isn't a bad thing. I'm just happy they're trying to figure things out, and maybe things will click later on for those reade…
Haha, this was great! XD Sorry I couldn't thank you earlier Tapastic forums were down for awhile.