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Mar 2020

!Before you post your request please read the following post and check out the linked resources to help make your collaboration post a good one!

To ensure that you are communicating your project effectively to the community, please include the following list of information within your post.

  1. Introduction: Tell us a little bit about yourself
  2. Project Details / Pitch / Sample
  3. Paid or non-paid? Collaboration? Partnership?
  4. Skills you are looking for / what you are looking for
  5. Required Software (Optional)
  6. Schedule/scale (Deadlines, the length of the work, etc)
  7. Contact info (Be it through PM's here or outside the forums)
  8. Link to your Portfolio and/or Previous Work

These guidelines are based on a guide created by silverraven0 and refined with the help of the community. Please give silverraven0ā€™s post a read for further context (link found below under resources).

Vague ideas are better than none.

If you do not have a solid plan in mind for your project, such as a publishing schedule or time scale, or if your project is still in the concepting phase, that is perfectly ok. Just be clear within your post that your project is a work in progress.

This is not a strict guide that you have to copy and paste into your topic. But the basic information will be needed within your post, so be sure to include the information within your post.
Otherwise, Posts with insufficient information may be closed and unlisted by a moderator.

Keep these following rules in mind as well:

Some of which are directly from the community:

Be Polite and Respectful

Be polite when making a collaboration request, and if people decline, don't be aggressive about it (basically follow the "be nice" rule). Have patience and respect with each other and recognize that each person has their own life and schedule to keep.

Clear Communication

Be as clear and detailed as you can within your post when communicating your project to the community. Such as the style of art you are looking for/bringing to the table, the length of the project, your overarching goals, etcā€¦ Make sure that everybody understands what you are asking them to be apart of. Additionally, clear communication is key to working in a group of two or more.

Credit where credit is due

When posting/uploading/sharing/releasing the final project, be sure to include credits for those who have worked with you on it. Unless you make an explicit agreement to the contrary.

You only need one Post.

Please refrain from creating duplicate posts within a short period of time, otherwise, your duplicate topics may be closed. All topics will naturally close after a month from the last post.

No Bumping

Your post will remain open for a month following the latest post, after such a topic will automatically close. After your post closes, you are welcome to return and create a new one.


Tapas and the mods cannot be held accountable for any bad business between the two or more parties who have joined together in a collaborative effort.


Great example of an A+ post asking for a background artist:

Silverraven0's How to make a good collaboration or partnership offer -- guide

Original community guidelines:

  • created

    Mar '20
  • last reply

    Nov '21
  • 10


  • 49.6k


  • 8


  • 41


  • 50


pinned Mar 3, '20

3 months later

Hey amazing recommendation, I change my post thanks to you. It helps more to explain what I wanted to say. Not sure if anyone will respond to my post, but I am taking the risk if no ones take it.

Thanks. I will try to check my post and see if I need to change anything :blush:.

2 months later

A collaboration and a partnership are roughly the same in that all involved parties are working together on a project, sharing ideas, contributing the same amount of work and, depending on whether it's a paid project or a shared revenue type project, equally spitting any earnings from what's being worked on

Hope that helps :smile_01:

In a more simple sense, collaboration is an act of you and others (either one or more) coming together to do things to produce something that is mostly non commital except you have some sort of agreement before, so you could say that theyā€™re not that formal, but for partnerships, although theyā€™re practically the same, the act of being a partners is something that you and your partner or the organization do that can be based of contract or other more binding agreement, and thus a lot more formal and need more commitment in it,

If my explanation was not making sense, google the difference is your answer lol.

5 months later

I'd like to make the suggestion that topics in this section close automatically after thirty days regardless of the latest post. The entire time I have been on the forums, there hasn't been a thread I have seen where the OP is actively searching and the process takes over a month but then they finally find someone. A lot more common is people bumping threads that are 20, 25 days old, after the OP has most likely stopped searching, and then that thread floats around for a while as users continually bump it. It just makes it a little more difficult to figure out what collaboration threads are actually active, in my opinion.

10 months later

Hi my name is Judnel, I am an ambitious writer of 24 years in the U.S

This is non-paid but if you decide to join in due time I will pay you myself. (Collaboration)

Seeking artist that can draw action scenes or make a decent webtoon.

My time is your time if you join me and we will make something work I guarantee it.

All my contacts will be at the bottom.

Title: NN


Premise: (This is the story of a young boy who was found on a hill with no memories and is adopted as his new family goes to a new city and after he begins to make a name for himself everything is taken away by a winged human-like demon who will not rest until it kills him and he knows it. he must amass power and strength to stand up against a city killing demon all while being pursued by a vengeful noble who believes those two are connected in more ways than one.) (there are plenty of fight scenes) (Magic)

Spoiler: There is more than 1 world

NOTE: I have been writing this story for 4 years going on 5 and love every minute of it. If this story interested you feel free to contact me and I will tell you more of it. I am finishing the novel as we speak.

This is NN he has a kind personality but is goal-oriented

Monetization: My goal is to make this a webtoon or/and manga, then anime. I will build a fanbase and help out my artist along the way. TO ALL ARTISTS: I WILL SAVE MONEY AND PAY YOU!

I would like to state that I am going to make this happen and if you want to join reach out! There you will know more about the story and you can decide if you want to stay or go!

my discord is Jud#3101

You shoulda made a new topic rather than on an information thread. You won't be reaching your potential artist like this.

already did! I'm just hoping the right person sees this!