14 / 18
Oct 2018

Hello ^^

Do you guys now the best day/hour to publish a new chapter? Where it gets more traction on views?
I´ve been trying to finding out but the results are pretty random so...

(btw shameless plug to my comic)
(Go check it out :smiley: )

  • created

    Oct '18
  • last reply

    Oct '24
  • 17


  • 2.8k


  • 9


  • 4


  • 1


Thought about it and I suppose it depends on what timezone you wanna reach out to

My advice would be always shoot for 17:00 (5:00 PM) your timezone on mostly the last day of the week, so Friday or Saturday for most people.

If want to increase your chances of getting views when Tapas exclusive webtoons and novels gets released, just post around 9:00 AM PST.

I agree with bakasama25 post at 9:00 am. I noticed that most of my readers are able to check the chapter immediately, but if a post at 3-5 pm they visit the comic until night or the next day.
of course, there are no formulas but I noticed fewer views if I post at noon.
And for some reason, I see less interaction since October started.

I've been posting at 9AM PST, and that's when I get my views the most.
I tried evening, but it never worked xD

Tried 9am (local time) on WT today and total views went from 1.7k to 1.9k with 2 new subs. Tried 9 PST here on Tapas, and only got 7 views so far. Gonna experiment with earlier slots next week.

The right time to post on LINE Webtoons seems to be tricky since all the updates for the translated Korean Webtoons seems to be 9 PM PST, the night BEFORE they're suppose to posted. I think that site seems to synced to Korean time. I think the Japanese and Chinese versions of Webtoons seem to be the same way.

Sounds plausible since the new stuff is always there when I wake up. Let the timing experiments continue!

Hm that´s interesting . Ill research it more about it

Well, for some reason XOY, the Japanese version of LINE Webtoons seems to have stopped updating their Korean webtoons. Now those webtoons are just few chapters and notice. Some of the webtoons like unOrdinary are seem to be updating. Needless to say, none of the Japanese readers are happy about this.

No, XOY is meant for Japanese readers with all the Kanji and Kana all round. Webtoons like Tower of God, Lookism, and Noblesse are just four or three chapters now with a notice at the end..

So far I've posted at 9 a.m. PST and at 6 a.m. PST. It hasn't made any noticeable bump. Most of my views seem to come from social media and the forums.

5 years later