Illustrator of the "Milhamah: Fighting Words" webcomic. Influences span from anime to Art Nouveau. Learned all he needed to know about expression from Orwell.
See "Milhamah" on Tapas here.
- Joined
- Sep 5, '18
- Last Post
- Aug 4, '20
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- Aug 5, '20
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[image] Gaml is a boomerang-wielding camel who represents the letter Gimel. His sentient hump is an amorphous pupa golem! Gaml will appear in the next webcomic update of “Milhamah: Fighting Words.” Follow the comic on Tapas to stay updated!
Did my own take on Adam. He'll be making a cameo in "Milhamah: Fighting Words" soon! [image]
[image] Here's the full comic: https://tapas.io/episode/1813205
What's your favorite manga and why? Right now, it's probably One Piece or My Hero Academia. The "friendship, effort, victory" Shonen Jump formula is tried and true. Neon Genesis Evangelion has always been an inspiration too, though that started as an anime before it became a manga. What's your fav…
Page 2 of Update #20 is my favorite. It feels good to resume the story where it left off. More updates coming soon! [image]
This sounds like the internet in the late 1990s before Google became mainstream. Everyone had their own site on Geocities and Lycos, and they were grouped by hobby. Most content wasn't slick, but it was charming.
I took a month off after I released enough content for two comic books. After a couple of conventions and some new character designs, I'm starting back up and will have new updates in a couple of weeks. I'm hoping fans will be kind.
Inktober Day #1: Meet the Compassionate Vulture, a “caring” carrion eater who consumes the weak and dying just a bit early. But does she do it out of mercy, or hunger? (This will eventually be a generic baddie in the “Milhamah: Fighting Words” series. New updates are underway!) [image]
Good thread. I heard people on Twitter discussing DeviantArt, and while I have an account that's about a year old, it never appealed to me. These days I only post links to my main website on Twitter. My goal over the next few months is to build a discussion forum on my Wordpress site, invite some …
The linguistic parts of speech become warriors who weaponize ancient alphabets to fight a brainwashing Tower of Babel in the action-fantasy series "Milhamah: Fighting Words."
Sometimes even the good guys float a bad idea. [image]
A couple of weeks ago I posted a Facebook ad for my comic. A random person commented and said I suck and should feel bad about myself. I got over it... in 10 seconds.
Make no mistake: Being a public artist requires courage, chutzpah and a thick skin. Fandom can be fandom, and that means loving pa…
My main character, Shem 'Etzem, became more of a punching bag than originally planned. He breaks lots of bones, but since his root power involves bone needles and ossification, he can regrow them quickly.
[image] This is probably my favorite page from today's update. You can see the whole comic here:
[image] My last frame was Etgar Toar gloating after blasting an opponent with a roaring speech bubble in "Milhamah: Fighting Words."
That's what keeps me doing my cel-shaded vector style, even though it's often more time-consuming than a freer, hand-drawn style. It's fairly unique, expressive and what I originally envisioned.
I sometimes will drop worldbuilding details when talking to fans. But when it comes to plot spoilers, it basically comes down to saying, "We'll see..."
[image] This page is from the episode below. Subscribe to follow the Holy Tongue's Society's quest to gain more ancient alphabet powers and defeat the revived Tower of Babel!
Get a good phone app like Easy Poser or Pose Tool 3D to help you make dynamic, foreshortened poses. I think some Clip Studio Paint versions have posing tools too, though I haven't used that feature. There are also good resources on Instagram and Pinterest for common anime and comic poses. Lastly, …
In "Milhamah: Fighting Words," linguistic guerrillas from the Holy Tongue Society use ancient alphabet powers to fight speech stranglers, truth destroyers and a revived Tower of Babel.
I can't bring myself to do fan art unless the original creators pay me to put a fresh spin on their characters. My stories keep me busy enough; if I can't ethically profit off of my work, it's not a priority. My strategy is to diversify and work on at least two IP franchises using different media,…
Mine is fantasy action-adventure with linguistic themes. The world's magic substitute is an exaggerated version of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis that uses Semitic languages and Jewish alphabet lore.
I'm looking for something simple for animatics too. I have an old version of Adobe After Effects that I plan to revisit this week, but I'm wondering if that's overkill.
I try to get at least one hour of digital art done per day, six days per week. On a free day I often get at least three to five hours done.
Good topic. I recently got a boost of Webtoon subscribers after basically having none, and it happened all at once somehow while networking online and in social media. Right now I'm trying to produce online content as consistently as possible while also getting a print comic ready to publish. Plu…
The Intellivision was my first console. Pac-Man, BurgerTime, Pinball and a penguin game called Thin Ice were some of my first favorite games. Of course, soon after I got into Nintendo, Mario, etc. The SNES is still my favorite system of all time.
I try to do six to 10 nowadays, but my panels involve lots of filtering and detail. I could either stretch that number out by doing more talking head close-ups or by taking more time to do episodes. But as a part-time thing, you can only do so much.

I've been at my comic for over six months, and slowly my Instagram likes and website visits are going up. I also finally had a bit of a breakthrough on Webtoon -- after months of not getting any responses, eight people subscribed last night after I made a post and joined some Discord chats. If you…