31 / 89
Apr 2024

Ooh, pink giraffe, that's a really unique design

  1. "I ain't afraid of no demon." It's a running joke. Demons are suppose to be scary but they are just horny goobers and everyone knows it.

  2. Unlike other reincarnation novels, ML actually tells FL about his past life.

  3. The noise the wolves make in the novel. Someone on web novel commented on my chapters with just the wolf noises. In chapter 21, the wolf will reappear lol.

For Psychoborg, it's the nostalgia, it pushed me out of my comfort zone and most importantly, it is my big moment.

For MK's Frankenstein, I always wanted to an adaptation of Frankenstein, the monster is the star and Frankenstein is the true villain through and through.

what makes it your big moment?

More than happy to! Here's what I love about LOSTLAND

1. The Setting: It took years to get there, but love how much the world of LOSTLAND has developed and, to me, feels like the most unique take on a post apocalyptic world. There's so much lore and history in it that's yet to appear in the main story, and still plenty more that may need a few side stories to go over in the future!

2. The Scenery: Bit of an expansion on the above. I had a ton of fun just taking each region of the LOSTLAND and finding unique ways to create a post apoc setting that felt 'lively'. Like a new world was being born in replace of the old one. Ancient buildings melded into massive canyons, submerged cities beoming large swamp lands, teeming with mysterious, new life. I wanted to make a world whereeach corner of it was somewhere people would be curious about and ant to explore

3. The Characters: I just love them all. Every time I created a new character, they also came along with a bit of backstory that goes more in-depth about them as people, yes, even the 3 Sanctum Patrolmen in the first chapter have backstories and a plan for their characters down the line XD Thinking of each character in that mch depth is just a bit of a nice pastime for me. One day, I'd love to just do a compilation of short stories involving each of the side characters I create throughout LOSTLAND

Let's Go Hero is complex in its own right... and the upcoming third arc is only going to add onto that. However, it doesn't mean I don't love how amazing the story is.

  1. I love how the story's three musketeers are an iconic trio. Most people would think its Kai, Kyoge, and Mikate... as in the chapter they are introduced in involves those three... but that isn't the case.

  2. I enjoy how the fights play out past what I originally planned.

  3. Making the techniques of characters can be a little difficult, but it pays off when done properly.

In a future where nanotechnology has granted humans supernatural abilities, a boy granted with the strangest one of them all attempts to become the greatest hero history has ever seen...

Often time my scenes spiral out or beyond what I originally planned too lol

I love everything about my story and what I do. BUT if I had to choose my top 3

1 - I like role-playing my character script to make them sound more believable, in particular the manipulators, lol

2 - I love the art and How my art has evolved throughout the time it started

3 - I love leaving messages hidden with my character story or the art itself and only a few people who are paying attention pick them up and to read their conclusion in the comments

Just updated!
The current chapter of my Webcomic Infinite Strike is now Available on Tapas
The story in a nutshell: A story of Manipulation and Devotion (Simplify further, Yandere)
Genre: Fantasy Action Romance drama

Come and check out this crazy anime-like art style out
Don't hesitate to give a like and subscribe (I am not going to stop you, lol)

I tend to subscribe to those who subscribe to me, I like to get to know my subscriber and show support back.
I have no preference in the genre as long as the art is clean and the story is understandable I will give it a chance and show support back.

this sounds really fun lol

27 days later

The dynamic between the siblings. The way Leia and Riley care for each other is complicated, and the way their limitations influence the things they do "for each other's good" is definitely a tricky line they're toeing.

The setting. This story is set in the late 2000s early 2010s when I was a kid, so I'm having fun with the nostalgia.

The emotions. I love writing emotional stories and making my readers feel things. So all the emotion I brought to "Damsel in the Red Dress" is being re-channeled into my new story through the eyes of new charcaters.

(this is free for everyone in my Patreon public posts:

Ahham, firstly the diversity of the characters and their backgrounds, as each character has a story that determines his current actions, secondly the interconnection of events. Every small detail I put in the novel has a meaning that appears in the following chapters, and finally the main character. He is not cold-hearted, or calloused. Rather, he is human. He acts like other people. Even though life puts him in painful situations, his humanity appears in many situations. For those who want to read my novels, she is on the site called Akir.

Things I like about my comic lol

  1. Non-Human charaters My world is an interdimesional hub and I get to fill it with tons of random creatures. It lets me get super creative with what something could look like. So I could have mythical creatures, aliens, humanoid races, or abstract beings all sitting around playing poker at the same table.

  2. The Backgrounds As stated in my previous comment I can put anyone doing anything in the background and I have a lot of fun with it. I can have crazy architecture and crazy structures. I also love adding gags and an absolute ton of the world lore is kinda hidden in paintings, murals and other artistic structures.

  3. Scale This isn't super evident in what's up currently but the scale of my story is massive and I'm really excited that I'm starting to get into some of the heavier plot beats. I made some big mistakes when I started writing and I've pretty much done a soft reboot. The changes I've made have sped up the pace and have let me focus on dropping hints to the scale of future chapters.

this definitely sounds like a really fun way of doing it

Just 3?!?:relieved::nail_care:🏽 (jk)
1) I love how much I play with established concepts. I parody tropes in coming of age stories. The popular girl, the babysitter, etc. it’s fun to flip tropes on there heads in the most chaotic way I can think of.
2) The historical fiction I get into, the concept of how remembering historical tragedies can affect the mental health of an immortal, especially as a POC.
3) The character dynamics! I LOVE found family (I love GOTG) so getting to write a team of my own of people that hate each other but are forced to work together has been so much fun!

Y’all should read it!

  1. Character design is great I think in the comics. Hold the phone is a jewel in my opinion. Constantly getting comments about him.

  2. The world. Although we have barely scratched the surface yet I have a huge world ahead and I’m very happy with it.

  3. The pacing. For working a regular job and drawing my comic while still balancing the rest of life I’ve been able to keep the story moving a long every week. I’m sure you all know how much of a struggle it can be to balance everything and still try and keep your comic a quality comic. So I’m proud I’m doing it even if at the moment I do have a bad sleep schedule :grimacing:

take care of your health honey

Right now, I'm using the novel to take a break from reality, so here are some of the fictional things that I am able to do to these fictional characters that I definitely am not and cannot do to anyone I know in real life: ( which are my 3 favourite things about my story )
Story in question: https://tapas.io/series/Boy-of-my-Dreams---Rewritten/info

1) I get to dress up a boy in girl clothes.
I know, I know, that is pretty dumb, but hey Firstly I don't have money to buy gowns. Even if a
random boy as cute as my character's description walked up to me and said "Hey, I'd let you dress me
up for free" I don't have any gowns to just randomly stuff him into~! This is my secret joyyy~ and You can tell
if you read the story cause I love to describe the clothes on Ryan especially in detaillll.

2) Setting! I didn't go to college! Yay! I am living out my fantasy as I toil way at my
cute little life-sucking retail job hahahahahaha

3) My side characters. I don't know what most writers do, but as a person with only one friend
and that is their partner, I imagine a world where everyone is super supportive and no one
aside from family would kick a person to the curb. So, I like writing cute side characters
that are always cheering on from the side lines~

Yes! So. I like these 3 things about my story heehee~! This just applies to Boy of My Dreams.
My other stories are going to be quite different as I have other delusions I wish to explore
during my after hours.

Thanks for making this thread~! It was nice to gush about my work for a teeny bit.