18 / 21
Jan 2022

That's like to add to this more generally I like Tapas but it bugs me sometimes the way it feels like accessibility is sort of put on the back burner. I don't want to believe that this is the case but a level of care is needed otherwise folks will not bother with the site

Seconding the request. I'm autistic and pretty light sensitive. I have to turn my monitor down to about 15% brightness to make the forums usable. A dark mode would make things so much more comfortable and accessible for a bunch of people.

:sweat_01: it sucks to hear and i guess i should have figured but are there any effective workarounds folks could use?

i've seen a few that covered something about changing the css or something but as someone with light sensitive headaches it'd be useful to have something in the toolbelt when needed

There are browser extensions for dark mode (such as this one for firefox4) but they don't work perfectly, and it really sucks we have to resort to third party solutions to make the site more usable. :expressionless:

I do get migrain when looking at screens with bright colours. So i had all my visuals setting at dark modes. It did makes Tapas forum in dark. It is a universal setting.
On mobile i use Samsung browser. They have a universal dark mode setting.

There's a very good desktop browser extension for dark theme, try searching "Dark Reader" for Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and opera maybe? For mobile browser, I only use opera mobile and it has a "night mode" that flips the theme to dark.

You can turn off dark reader for a specific website, try clicking the icon and uncheck/click the bar that has the web address in it.

Good lord, asap please. Them pulling the black header too fucked up my ability to see notifs fjkghjdfkhgkjfg-- :sob:

It is not bothering me but I never use dark mode anywhere anyway.

I'm glad - though after writing this post I tried Dark Reader which was mentioned later in this thread and imo it works much better on tapas forums~

okay so i saw that someone commented way to have dark theme via third party sites, but if that doesn't work, i have solution (since brightness is problem here) you can pick night light on your laptop ( there should be same option on your phone as well), it makes my screen red-ish but it's pretty gentle on your eyes, on my phone it's more of yellow-ish tint
edit: for me it starts around 8/10 pm but you can just pick any time you want

1 month later

closed Feb 8, '22

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