1 / 30
Apr 2024

or did tapas just remove any trace of community works from the main site? (I'm viewing it on desktop) :confused:

  • created

    Apr '24
  • last reply

    Apr '24
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I am afraid they have. I must say I am disappointed. I was hoping one day they'd feature Nixvir on the front page and now I know they won't.

oh they rolled out another ui/front page change...

well by the looks of it community works are still present just relegated exclusively to their own tab while the main page looks to be mostly if not all premium

i wanna be surprised but it feels like its been this way for a while

no, the community section just has their own tab at the top. I actually like it, though...

don't know... personally I'm not a fan of pushing everything not on contract with tapas into it's own corner with a name that to a random reader would not really suggest a place with stuff to read...

oooooooooohhhh, well still kinda sucks because maybe some people won't understand the "going to community to see indie comics" when they have the paid content right there but still better than just deleted from existence.

It's funny how many platforms and tech companies have gone mask off since the pandemic.

No more, "Hosting only costs us a percentage of a penny! You might develop the next Lore Olympus!"

Now, "Hosting costs us a percentage of a penny! Give us a Lore Olympus or fuck off!"

except next lore olympus will never happen if you don't let anyone new get noticed

You know that. I know that.

A corporate bean-counter doesn't know that because a corporate bean-counter doesn't know shit.

On the plus side, it now FINALLY works properly on Firefox for desktops. Now we just have to persuade them unhide the community comics again and get them back to the front page.

Beyond the fact that small comics now have almost no chance of being discovered by an average user (I clicked "Community" thinking it would bring me here to the forums to complain, I was surprised to be like "oh, HERE's all the comics!", I'm also particularly annoyed that they've taken all these comic covers people (myself included) took the time to make to the specified dimensions tapas gave us, with comic title included in the image as tapas asked us - and cropped off the sides of them, put little icons over where said title is likely to be (which on most comics is now cropped off at the sides too of course) and then stuck the title in text at the bottom anyway, fading over the artwork.

But the writing has been on the wall for a while that they just don't think the average creator here matters. This used to be the main place I directed people to read my comic, but hasn't been that way for a while. Changes like this are exactly why, and they just keep making them.

They've also pared down the options for searching community comics to "Popular" "Newest Episode" and "Newest Series". Trending is gone.

Having the name over the series artwork is very annoying and ugly with the gradient fade. Why didn't they just make it transparent?

Is there really no way to view new or recently updated comics any more? :sob:

In addition to these changes, it feels like it's a lot harder to find things as well. I just uploaded a new page today and it took me a while to find with the new UI.

You have to click and change the toggle to "newest episode" It defaults to "popular" every time.

Most series have the full length series title pages now, but there were still a few with the thumbnail style and those appear to be gone with the new format

I remember when I first joined, trending and popular community comics would appear on the front page. It was so much easier to discover hidden gems. Now it feels like they don't care.

I think Tapas, WEBTOON, and instagram used to be where everyone put their comics to have a chance to be “discovered”, but all these places give so little shits about the average user, that posting on them doesn’t really feel like showing your work to people, it feels like something you need to do, cause these are the main platforms people use. Too bad people use them to read the same 20-something major comics, I hardly know anyone going out of their way to find new stuff

Yikes, it's bad. It looks like indie comics are some sort of tumor that they're desperately trying to hide now.

Not to mention how they've massacred the covers. Y'know, the ones made with the specifications given to creators on their dashboard. The ones that used to look great next to each other, displaying clean art and different styles together.

Nope. They cropped out the sides and slapped an ugly gradient, text, and a big yellow FREE sticker on top... obstructing the titles that were required to be on the cover art in the first place.

Now I guess I'll have to rebrand to... Eason's Lamen.


Other than community comics being placed in their "own little corner, own little chair, " the new UI just lacks personality. One of the reasons I chose Tapas over Webtoon initially was because felt a lot more welcoming and down to earth, yet still polished in comparison to other platforms. Now I'm waiting until the day when they add "-toon" somewhere in the name and start okaying pop-up ads.