7 / 37
Mar 2021

webtoons doesn't give you money at all unless you're professional and they hire you

Zero :money_mouth:

I wanna thank my mom, my dad, everyone.

Really its usually like..1% make cash through webtoons


...Seriously though, the requirements for ad revenue on Webtoon are ridiculously high and very hard to maintain. I wouldn't put my hopes on there :sweat_smile:

Unfortunately, not really for a large amount of creators. Ad Revenue doesn't pay out very well anyways, but the requirements to even unlock it in the first place are pretty steep so most series don't qualify.

I believe it's 1,000 min. subs, and 40,000 monthly page views? Even if you have the subs, you only get ad revenue on the months that you hit the view requirements.

^ basically this. The data used in this video is by their admission estimated / from the best data they could find, but this is an interesting recent video that gives some sort of context to what earning on webtoons for the average canvas series looks like:

Yep, and you also have to submit your series for WT to approve for ad share. Creators don't get a button they can click to unlock automatically.

Also the minimum to actually withdraw your money to put in your pocket is $100 I think.

And those 40,000 views have to all be from the US as well which honestly is really unfair considering how international Webtoon is.

For an idea of how many total views and subscribers you need to reach to be eligible, if you look at January's28 list for the current Canvas Creator Rewards program those who qualify for the lowest tier (which also requires a minimum 40,000 US page views and only earns you $100 a month) average at over 1 million total views and over 30,000 subs

As mentioned by everyone else here, earning money on WEBTOON is really hard. The threshold required to even unlock the Ad Revenue option over there is huge; if I had that kind of following, that would be a reward in and of itself.

Ad revenue is way easier to unlock here on Tapas, but it's still fractions of pennies until your monthly page views are numbering in the tens of thousands.

WEBTOON does have a creator Patreon button at the bottom of each page you post, which is nice. By linking your Patreon to your WEBTOON account, dedicated readers can choose to flick a couple of dollars your way each month, if they wish to. That said, convincing people to sign up for that is hard. Out of a combined 300 subs between Tapas and WEBTOON, I have... one patron. :sweat_02: Which is still super flattering, and I appreciate her so much, but you can't just assume people will flock to drop coins in your basket just because they like your comic.

Making a webcomic should be viewed through the lens of artistic improvement and refinement of one's drawing and writing skills, unless you're already a comics pro. (In which case, the ambition to monetise it quickly is more realistic/understandable.) It's also an opportunity to build an audience who are interested in your work!

The path to becoming skilled enough to make a living from this is a long one; enjoy the journey, and don't focus as much on the destination. By doing that, the journey becomes so much more fulfilling.

Sure it can. We made about $400 on Ad-sharing so far in the past 2-3 years or so.
But you have to be popular and get a lot of website hits and visits first.

I’m not sure it will be a very positive result but I applied for revenue last month, just got accepted this month so I’m waiting to see, what if anything happens.

My views aren’t very high tho I’m very grateful for my readers, I do it more for the conversation than money. I only made it to 20,000 views one month so I’m not sure if they can revoke my revenue if I don’t make the views. Ill reply later with the numbers I do for this month!

advertising revenue brings in about half a cent a day :sweat_smile::laughing::sweat_smile: (I mean on Tapas)
well, I still hope things get better as we release more episodes.

M..money....on webtoons?

Well after 5 years and 5 comics, i got fricking nothing from Webtoons. Same with Tapas.

The only money i made from comics was from Patreons, so in my experience webtoon/ tapas are only worth the exposition that may motivate some people to be patreons, but that's all.

I tried webtoon but did not get enough views etc to activate ad revenue.