1 / 186
Nov 2020

Alright, I'm having a tough time so please cheer me up by dropping some weird pics, cringe memes and other low-quality stuff with cats

Let the serotonin level increase by genuine feline power :smirk_cat:

future me looking at what you're going to share here

  • created

    Nov '20
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There are 185 replies with an estimated read time of 7 minutes.

nah, my cat is super shy and never gets in the way, unlike my sister. that's who should be in the place of the cat from the picture.

Oh, gosh, my cat learned how to kick out the internet connection with one bat of his paw on day three of remote working. By the end of the week, he’d bite into the electric plug and start pulling with all his might on it. I went back to the office the day they let me, because he was incompatible with productivity, lol. I swear I had to treat him like a baby with colics... the sweetest boy, but can’t take rejection, lol.

So, yeah, I connect to this memo on a deep level