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Apr 2024

I wanted to try this for a while now! (It doesn't have to be just one paragraph either.) The theme for this challenge is "Underground." Make a dark and eerie scene (It can be inspired by your story if need be) and lets see who comes up with the best ones! Here's mine:

~In a hidden facility, deep underground…~

~A group of scientists were tailing a squad of guards who seemed to be escorting some sort of cargo… It was housed in a weird sort of stasis. It had a tinted dome allowing anybody to see the insides if the lighting was good enough. Upon closer inspection, it was easy to tell a human was inside. But not just any human… Inside lay the body of Agni the Tormentor.~

~The group arrived at a dead end. The only thing in front of them being some sort of key pad… it looked ancient…~

Guard #1: He pulled his keycard out of his suit of tactical armor. He swiped it by the keypad and it beeped loudly before the LED screen turned a bright green.

~A deep groaning sound could be heard through the space before suddenly, a wall closed behind them. More groaning. They could feel themselves being lowered deeper. They were already a few miles below sea level before, but this took them even further.~

???: A woman who sounded oddly familiar from the Antares incident broke the silence. “Hell’s Pit. Nex-Corp’s finest prison. More than 30 miles below sea level and holding the most elaborate security system on the planet. It’s been used in the past to house some of the deadliest villains…”

???: A male continued the sentence. “However, due to the lack of evidence supporting it exists, considering its located within the Bermuda triangle, many believe its a myth.”

Guard #2: “Why are you telling us this?” He grunted.

???: “As it is considered a myth, Nex-Corps' most brilliant minds all saw an opportunity. A research opportunity. Hell’s Pit eventually became a testing facility. All in order to research our world’s greatest phenomena created unintentionally. Techniques.” It was her, Tech #2. She was one of the people involved during the terrorist attack on Antares… but wasn’t she just a regular security technician?

???: He filled in his place as Tech #1. His cloak matched his partner’s. Both bearing the insignia of Nex-Corps. “One of our current experiments involves enhancing and neutralizing Techniques. Permanently.”

~The groaning came to a halt. So did the two techs. The guards grew a little nervous as a minute passed by without anything happening. Everything went dark, and the wall that was before them split open. Releasing smoke into the room as it opened slowly.~

Tech #2: “We suggest you don’t inhale the smoke… or look at it.” She said as she slowly pulled her mask on and looked downward. Her partner doing the same.

Tech #1: He added in a quiet whisper. “Oh, and don’t speak either.” Once the wall fully opened, he was quieter than a mouse…

~Everything grew quiet. The guards were all shaking nervously. They all wore full helmets attached to oxygen supply, but they couldn’t control their vision. Before they could react, their visors activated their night vision mode. Out of the 6 that were there, 5 of them managed to look down quickly enough. The one however…~

  • created

    Apr '24
  • last reply

    Apr '24
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I actually already have a scene that starts underground, it's the first scene of my novel, so idk if this counts but:

The frozen night gnaws at my face like it hasn’t eaten in days, alive with a bouquet of red currants and fanfare. The smell of perfume slips silently out of the after-party and down the spiral staircase, escaping through the closed door in lusty drafts like a flower garden on steroids. Our footsteps echo - too loud in the crowded, solitary parking garage. Everything feels amplified tonight, and yet far away - like I’m listening to - reaching out and existing through a glass wall. The click of my high-heels on the concrete… The heartbeat of the alcohol in my bloodstream…

She - I stand shivering in the burning red cocktail dress we rented just for the occasion as Kattar makes a ceremony out of opening my door.

The late November chill sits palpably thick in the car like we’re bathing in evaporated ice water. On other days I would fret the gooseflesh on my shoulders something awful, silently bemoaning the seconds it takes Kattar to slide into the driver’s seat and close his door, but I told myself I wouldn’t let anything ruin today. I still might ask him for his jacket, and if I do, I’d better do it sooner than later, cuz I know he’ll never relinquish anything without teasing me for an hour and a half first. We’ll either be frozen or back at the hotel, by then.

I study the parked cars outside my window, dip-dyed in darkness that seems to lob them in half beneath the shadow of the overhangs. The yellow lights in the garage are few and far between, casting a dangerously sleepy hue over everything. I feel so sluggish, it grates on me - wishing I was exploding with energy - feeling as excited as I know I should be right now.

Today was the happiest day of my life, in a dull sort of way. Perfect in muted color.

This looks fun, leaving a comment here to remind myself to come back and add mine in later!

I came back with something...
Eclipsed in darkness, the sound of a shovel scraping at the dirt above was the only tangible figment of life in the shroud of decay that he found himself enveloped in. Inhaling a breath of stagnant air with notes of decay, he got the sense that breathing would no longer be necessary. Trying to awaken his frozen body, he began to wiggle his fingers, toes, and then arms to find himself confined in a box. Judging by the state of the wood, it was evident he had been encased in what he could only guess was a coffin for quite some time. The sound of the shovel drew closer and more frequent as he heard a scrape upon the wooden surface. With each scoop of dirt removed, faint glimmers of moonlight shone through the lid of the coffin.
Just as he’d regained some semblance of control over his legs, the lid was removed and he found himself looking up at the face of the person who’d just dug him out. To his surprise, the man showed no signs of having exerted himself and judging by the walls of dirt surrounding them, it would have been no easy feat. His face was pale and seemed to glow even in the dead of night, however that wasn’t the feature that stood out the most. His smile as he offered his hand betrayed two fangs glistening in the moonlight that filtered through the forest surrounding them.
“Welcome to your new life as a vampire!”

Cool! Gave me a chance to try something sketchy, and terrifying.
Context: I draw chickens, in humorous and melodramatic ways.

I think I went for "frantic" moreso than "eerie", hehe. Fun challenge, tho.