4 / 10
Mar 2018

Hi guys just wanted some feedback from the community on chapter two of my comic thanks.

  • created

    Mar '18
  • last reply

    Feb '19
  • 9


  • 1.1k


  • 5


  • 3


  • 2


Hey ! That's great ! I can't say much about the story since it's only the beginning but that's interesting so far !
About the art, I like the fact that you take the time to draw environments, most of the time, people will usually abuse of the empty white background without really setting the place and give a sense of presence to their reader.

Honestly I don't have much to say, i'm looking forward to see how everything will evolve !
That's really really minor but some speech bubbles need a bit of cleaning but that's only if you read on PC.

Also, happy birthday :smiley: !

Thanks for the feedback i will make sure to fix my speech bubbles and make it clear next chapter :slight_smile:

also subscribe to never miss prologue 3 the last installment of the prologues.

I gave it a look and thought it was pretty good so far. The art was nice and I liked the gradual build up to the conflict with the kidnapping and the gang. Only snag I hit was figuring out who "Jona" was referring to. It's more of a non-issue honestly because I double checked the comic description and scrolled to the beginning where we're first introduced to Jonas and I just connect the dots.

Didn't see any other serious problems when reading it so keep doing what you're doing!

It's looking good. The only thing I see that needs improvement is the speech. The tight text looks fine when it's in a box, but when you're filling a speech bubble is should make more of a diamond shape. Linking to a post that explains it really perfectly: https://forums.tapas.io/t/share-your-nity-gritty-tips-speech-bubbles/18968/19?u=sleepingpoppy

That whole thread is a great read, but it's specifically that post that I think will help you.

Good work so far! Keep going!

Thanks So much for the feedback i will fix the speech bubbles in prologue 3 also the prologues installment ends on prologue 3 we will start the first chapter soon. also if you can subscribe if you do not want to miss prologue 3 :slight_smile:

thanks i will start fixing my speech bubbles and tanks for the link also if you do not want to miss any thing go and subscribe to my comic :slight_smile:

10 months later

The art looks great! Although the art could be improved on still. The story is reasonably good from what I read. The style of drawing is very unique!