34 / 54
May 2021

Magnus: "Oh my god, I'm sorry, bro." He wiped his eyes with his sleeve ruffle. "Wow, that landed harder than I meant it to. I'm so mean sometimes."

Ah yes, my plan to get the coolest people I know to support each other is coming together

Gunhild hangs onto any memory of her mother. They're important to her because her mum died when she way young.
The image she projects is the same as the one she tries to project.
She's less secluded and defensive around people she likes.
Gunhild won't resort to physical violence unless attacked.
When she says "I love you", she means it.

Greetings! I'm on the road to 100 subs, 26 missing!

My replies to this question, regardin Nadhine Anahita from Menmar:

  1. For Nadhine, the fact that Raheem HATES being transformed into a purse got stuck on her mind and this will be something she'll often tease him about.

  2. Sometimes; Nadhine is someone that has an almost permanent, resting b****-face, and that makes her come off as aggressive, dangerous and intimidating. However, her closest friends and kin notice that this demeanor actually hides how sad and brooding she actually is due to all trauma she has to deal with. Deep inside, she's very sweet, she just doesn't want her best qualities used against her.

  3. Nadhine is more prone to accept jokes, gifts and even afection from those she likes; it may seem as if nothing changed in her expressions or behaviour when interacting with people she likes versus strangers, but the changes are subtle, meant to be understood only by those she trusts.

  4. Nadhine is a faction leader and learned pretty quickly how tyrants respond to questioning; therefore, she's quick to act with physical confrontation whenever the situations call for it. However, unless she sees a blade or a weapon ready to be brandished against her, she'll prefer talking first, then punching later if needed.

  5. It's a HELL OF A DIFFICULTY for Nadhine to say she loves someone; it's something I'll DEFINITELY approach later on my story. However, she's more of a shower than teller, her actions mean a lot in this matter. She will always be near her loved ones to tend to their wounds, feed them properly, check on their clothes to see if they are well-kept, and even bathe the person, should they be unable to. She's not quick to fall for someone, but, when she does... It's just as intense as her will to topple corrupt governments with her bare hands.

For a side character, Josh (my MCs younger brother)

1. What seemingly insignificant memory has stuck with your character?
A time his dad took him and Jake out to play baseball “just because” when he was in elementary school :no_mouth:

2. Does the image your character tries to project differ from the image they actually project?
Very much so :sweat_smile: he tries to act all tough and like no one can get to him... but he usually just comes across as mean grumpy :weary:

3. How does your character behave around people they like?
:eyebrows: :cry_01: Really trying to be cool, but mostly bumbling around a lot :sweat_02:

4. How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
It truly depends on the situation and people involved :eyes: it’s not unlike him to resort to violence, but he always feels it was justified in the situation :sip:

5. How easy is it for your character to say, "I love you?" Can they say it without meaning it?
Pretty much the hardest thing in the world :weary: considering he can barely say the words, he’ll definitely mean it if when he says it :blusht:

Gonna answer for Lucifer

What seemingly insignificant memory has stuck with your character?
He has a lot of memories since he is one of the oldest demons but as seemingly insignificant... Maybe playing music in heaven with Michael, Azazel and the other archangels. He used to enjoy it very much and he would always end up dancing. The Supreme Angel didn't use to like it much and ended up forbidding it to him, what made the fallen angel hate him even more.

Does the image your character tries to project differ from the image they actually project?
Nope, he is very smart and knows how to project exactly the image he wants

How does your character behave around people they like?
sincere and playful, always trying to cheer up everyone too, he's a bit of a clown. He can be serious too if the situation asks for it,

How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
While he is a very nice character and it's difficult to make him angry, when someone gets to hurt his pride he can end up becoming violent - don't play with a demon's feelings, especially the most powerful ones. Also he will not doubt to hurt someone who hurted him or his loved ones if he doesn't see another solution.

How easy is it for your character to say, "I love you?" Can they say it without meaning it?
He says it all the time and always means it, He is usually very sincere, open and lovely. I'm not saying he can use the words some day if he really needs to his favour but it's not his usual style...

I like this answer. And this picture :heart_03: love it

thank you very much! I just subscribed to your comic! I love your style so I'll read it when I have some time!

This is such a fun and creative way to promote! :slight_smile: Really love Darzsa's too! He seems like such a sweetheart.

Here's Kazimir from Paint Me a Murder.

1. What seemingly insignificant memory has stuck with your character?

Kazimir loves to reminisce the times he spent with his father as a child. One of his most cherished memories is from Halloween, when his father took him trick-or-treating through the neighborhoods. He dressed up like a dinosaur a lot because he was so fascinated by them at that age. Had all kinds of dino figures he collected in his bedroom too.:laughing: Thanks to his father for buying them all!

2. Does the image your character tries to project differ form the image they actually project?

He tries to hide himself from most people because he doesn't want them to get too close and find out any of his secrets. Sometimes he tries to act courageous and intimidating, but usually falls short.

3. How does your character behave around people they like?

Once his crushes develop, he finds himself more comfortable around them. He'll be more friendly and sweet toward them. Women make him the most flustered, but he'll still turn into a blushing love-struck puppy around the men he fancies too.

4. How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?

He hates violence, but unfortunately, he tends to get thrown into it a lot. If there's a chance things can end peacefully, Kazimir would much rather do that instead of resorting to violence. Most times, he uses violence to protect the people he cares about.

5.How easy is it for your character to say, "I love you?" Can they say it without meaning it?

He can fall in love rather easily, but won't say it unless he actually means it. He'd never lie to someone about loving them, but he's not perfect when it comes to romantic relationships.

1)What seemingly insignificant memory has stuck with your character?
This scene here
Since then, Volken has made double sure that he's never caught with his pants down :joy:

2)Does the image your character tries to project differ from the image they actually project?
Volken never really tries to project an image. He's an awkward dork, and everyone sees it, what they don't expect are his acts of courage in a pinch

3)How does your character behave around people they like?
Too nervous/embarrassed to talk to that sudden crush? Run at the speed of sound, lol

3)How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
Volken's first resort is to run. Fighting is more of a second or last resort

4)How easy is it for your character to say, "I love you?" Can they say it without meaning it?
Not very easy at all. Losts of stuttering and beating around the bush ^^; But if he manages to, it's 100% sincere

@AnimeKitty This is like, the sweetest thing ever! Oh my gosh your MC sounds adorable! I love dinos as an adult, so I can relate


@AnimeKitty dinos :heart_03: I love it. And yes :sweat_02: Darzsa is such a sweetheart once you get past the sass

@jmhenry I like how the answers to violence and being around people he likes is running away :rofl:

Wow..your character look so interesting!!! Guess your story is as good as it sounds!! Well, here tou got some Soulivur's Facts from Knight of HOPE!!!

1: Even if he is a hero and his main mind theme is for me "Knight of the Wind" and "His World" from Crush 40, his favourite song is "September" from Earth, Wind and Fire... He is a very happy guy!!

2: Soulivurs image in my mind is basically the same character that you can see in the comic, maybe in the comic he is a little bit more funny and goofie sometimes, but he is the same calmbender kid with an incredible patience I imagine in my mind

3: Soulivur is soo kind and friendly, he always try to cheer up his friends even if they arent able to do the same thing... He want to make a happier world

4: Soulivurs got a kind of hability wich act as an alert for the danger perception, a kind of primitive sub level of CALMS called "Mercury reaction"... he can reach the sub sonic speed in reaction some times, yeah... isnt somebody that you can KO easily

5: For him is realitive easy to said that words, maybe love is a kind of pretty deep feeling for his species... but Soulivur can said "I like you" as much ad you can at least 🤪

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BRING ME THIS SPACE!!! Read KOH if you want!! (English translation on going...)

Hey, can I ask you how did you put images on your post? I use this forums on my movile and I dont know if its posible to post image on Tapas forum from your phone

Here are the answers for my MC Shyba~

1. What seemingly insignificant memory has stuck with your character?

There a few, but one in particular is when he would sit on the swings after school and his favorite teacher would bring him ice cream and they would talk about different things. He would often secretly wish the teacher was his father.

2. Does the image your character tries to project differ from the image they actually project?

He doesn't consciously project himself in any way, but subconsciously he does try to come off like he doesn't need anything or anyone in effort to protect himself. From the outside looking in though, he looks very lonely.

3. How does your character behave around people they like?

He tends to be a lot more relaxed and later on will even joke around a bit. He will even let his accent slip more and speak a bit more in his mother-tongue because he feels more at ease.

4. How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?

At first he resorts to violence pretty quickly due to his background as an assassin and the way he was trained, but as he develops he learns to be more conscious of when and where he needs to resort to violence.

5. How easy is it for your character to say, "I love you?" Can they say it without meaning it?

It takes him quite a while before he becomes comfortable saying it, but when he does say it he means it with his whole heart.