24 / 24
Aug 2016

Thanks! Really means a lot!

And to kinda answer your question, what I had in mind when drawing her is that she was a successful business woman which is why the Negate was going after her because she has a lot of good potential.

Thank you!

And I thought about making it in color but when I color I tend to not like what it looks like after I finish, and I start all over again lol. So it would take forever to finish a page for me if I tried to color it.

Thanks so much! I already have the first arc planned out and everything so I hope it turns out to be something people will like.

It certain grabs your attention.

One thing I would say is lessen your use of screentones. Just about everything is shadowed in screentones, so it's kinda hard to see where the actions begins or ends.

One thing I've learned about screentones is that they can also be used for contrast of space rather than just coloring.
One Piece often does this:

If you look closely, there is little to no screentones on the actual characters. Most of the shading is done by crosshatching or by inking patterns straight on.
It's my favorite kind of style, and it works for a lot of action oriented manga.

Thanks for the input!

And haha yeah I started to realize that as I was drawing it. The first chapter will have far less tones. What I was trying to do is make it look like it was night time. But some of the tone I used didn't even show up after rendering it anyway, so I'm gonna use a lot less from here on.

Gonna have the first 3 pages of the chapter in color. I'll do that every so often, but it'll be in Black in White most of the time.

This seems interesting and a good script. I will have to say though, some of your characters clothing and styles remind me of anime characters. >____< Just putting that out there

Well more the outfits. Like the girl that saved the other girl. I reminded me of Natsu from Fairy Tail. I dont read or watch it, but my sister does. So I came to recognize the character. Then Jett, his clothes and his hair reminded me something off of Pokemon. Again, dont watch or play it, but my brother does. That's about it. >______< story still good though

8 days later

I guess I can see how Mikayla's costume looks like Natsu. Not sure who you're referring to on Pokemon though lol. But thanks for reading!

16 days later
1 month later

Bump with more updates! Page 13 has just been updated, go check it out!

1 month later

I've had a few new pages since I've posted here. Check them out if you haven't!

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1 month later