28 / 102
Mar 2021

Glen: Probably tea
Amy: Coffee
Jackson: Either, he has no preference XD

Seraphina: Tea with a bit of milk & honey
Michael: Coffee, Espresso if possible. Black. And as strong as possible. (Please someone let this man get some sleep :cry_02: )
Gabriel: Bobba Tea (if that counts XD) Or iced latte all the way.
Uriel: Coffee with a tablespoon of sugar or expensive tea with a tiny bit of milk
Raphael: Prefers herbal tea but occasionally has coffee (with half milk & sugar to sweeten the coffee enough)

I can totally picture Oscar drinking coffee
And Albert would probably prefer tea.

Coffee for Elliot and Garrett. Tea for Atticus and Kristine

Scarlett: Tea
Lucas: Coffee

Edgar: 100 % Tea, preferably his self made tea, from herbs he found in the woods or in the rosegarden of Nefarious.

Augustin: After he discovers Coffee (doesn't exist in Nefarious) he would be an addict. Also he would try every opportunity to get Edgar to like Coffee as well.

Janelle is definitely a coffee drinker but will drink tea when she doesn't feel well.

Sabastian prefers tea.

Xamina enjoys both.

I like this question! None of my characters really have access to tea or coffee, but if they did...

Agony: Used to drink both but took a hard left into just drinking coffee.
Thesis: Very strong, very bitter black coffee, or very, very bland tea.
Duenna: Tea with flowers on the box.
Motif: Way, way too much coffee. Several cups a day.
Sequel: Will drink whatever you hand him.


Nadhine: pitch-black coffee
Esther: Tea, of the softest tastes
Raheem: Tea of bittersweet tastes
Yami: Coffee xD

Claudia: latte or espresso with cream and sugar.
Desquicio: gunpowder oolong, no additives.
Madman: both, at the same time; the teabag goes inside the coffee mug.

Gunhild: English breakfast tea
Ingrid: Darjeeling
Loki: Double espresso, lots of sugar
Thor: Black tea
Sif: Cappuccino
Baldr: Glass of water
Sigrun: Strawberry bubble tea with whipped cream and cherry popping pearls
Magni, Modi, Thrudd, Ullr: Hot chocolate
Aegir: Irish coffee with sailor's whiskey
Ran: Tea brewed with salt water
David: Scots tea
Anansi: Blue mountain coffee
Sun WuKong: Peach flavour fruit tea

Diego: coffee
Matt: coffee
Emma: tea
Al: vodka

Ella: coffee
Sorin: prefers tea but drinks coffee because he's permatired and needs the extra caffeine
Madison: coffee
Hannah: prefers tea but drinks coffee due to peer pressure
Louise: tea

For my characters... they are from Victorian England so Jekyll and Hyde would adore tea, but I think Hyde would love coffee too. Check them out.

Jekyll like mellow to sweet flavour for his tea while Hyde like strong to spicy flavours.

Luca- Coffee
Annie- Coffee
Azeez- Ice tea
Noa Karolina- Tea
The Godfather- anyone's okay for him