36 / 102
Mar 2021

Edgar: 100 % Tea, preferably his self made tea, from herbs he found in the woods or in the rosegarden of Nefarious.

Augustin: After he discovers Coffee (doesn't exist in Nefarious) he would be an addict. Also he would try every opportunity to get Edgar to like Coffee as well.

Janelle is definitely a coffee drinker but will drink tea when she doesn't feel well.

Sabastian prefers tea.

Xamina enjoys both.

I like this question! None of my characters really have access to tea or coffee, but if they did...

Agony: Used to drink both but took a hard left into just drinking coffee.
Thesis: Very strong, very bitter black coffee, or very, very bland tea.
Duenna: Tea with flowers on the box.
Motif: Way, way too much coffee. Several cups a day.
Sequel: Will drink whatever you hand him.


Nadhine: pitch-black coffee
Esther: Tea, of the softest tastes
Raheem: Tea of bittersweet tastes
Yami: Coffee xD

Claudia: latte or espresso with cream and sugar.
Desquicio: gunpowder oolong, no additives.
Madman: both, at the same time; the teabag goes inside the coffee mug.

Gunhild: English breakfast tea
Ingrid: Darjeeling
Loki: Double espresso, lots of sugar
Thor: Black tea
Sif: Cappuccino
Baldr: Glass of water
Sigrun: Strawberry bubble tea with whipped cream and cherry popping pearls
Magni, Modi, Thrudd, Ullr: Hot chocolate
Aegir: Irish coffee with sailor's whiskey
Ran: Tea brewed with salt water
David: Scots tea
Anansi: Blue mountain coffee
Sun WuKong: Peach flavour fruit tea

Diego: coffee
Matt: coffee
Emma: tea
Al: vodka

Ella: coffee
Sorin: prefers tea but drinks coffee because he's permatired and needs the extra caffeine
Madison: coffee
Hannah: prefers tea but drinks coffee due to peer pressure
Louise: tea

For my characters... they are from Victorian England so Jekyll and Hyde would adore tea, but I think Hyde would love coffee too. Check them out.

Jekyll like mellow to sweet flavour for his tea while Hyde like strong to spicy flavours.

Luca- Coffee
Annie- Coffee
Azeez- Ice tea
Noa Karolina- Tea
The Godfather- anyone's okay for him

For Tanidreams:

When he's tired or stressed out - Coffee
When he's socializing or relaxing - Tea

In the comic, he's more relaxed so I guess more tea :slight_smile:

Himuri loves coffee and even used it in plot to try to not fall asleep. xD
Sakari is more of a tea person. Jasmine tea is his favorite.
Kiyomi would drink both.

Taisou definitely drinks coffee as dark as his soul.
Yuuga would drink coffee if it had more milk than coffee in it, so generally he prefers tea.
Yozoku would be more of a coffee drinker, though he prefers other drinks.
Kahino is another coffee drinker.
Hanayoru is shown at the very beginning drinking tea, so here the answer is obvious. xD

So far, about ten pages in, my comic WYRD is taking place in a coffee shop! It's a paranormal themed coffee bar called the ... Cryptonomicup!

That being said, not all of the main characters are necessarily coffee people!

Mike - absolutely coffee, all the way. Any preparation. Any time of day.

Neil - prefers tea, also drinks kombucha and protein shakes on the occassion. Still excellent at making coffee though.

Benji - coffee mainly. Also enjoys tea, chai lattes, or cold brew. The resident latte-artist of the shop.

Ollie - coffee or tea is great, but they have a soft spot for matcha and drinks with boba.

Tilly: Claims it's coffee and black like his soul. It's actually a chai latte with whipped cream.
Methe: White Russian, but he'll settle for an Irish coffee.
Ash: All the tea, all the time.
Star: Cocoa with marshmallows and too much whipped cream.

Tessa: Tea
Hei: Coffee with too much cream and sugar
Torgrak: Whiskey

Suria: huge coffee advocate
Lupina: both
Benita: sweet iced tea
Esperanza: herbal tea
Candace: coffee that's 90% cream and sweeteners
Ron: honeydew Boba tea
Jet: the souls of the innocent