6 / 8
Oct 2021

I don't usually make promotional post but as i was looking at my work and realized how much i have accomplished. I have struggled in the past with finishigng comics or even getting far but with my current comic, I am still at it and making it work. My goal is to finish by june 2022 and I am working HARD towards that.

I have drawn 185 pages with each panel having about two to three panels so i am loooking at about 552 panels and boy thats a whole lot of panels. Just wanted to share with everyone and maybe you can share yours as well.

below is my comic if you want to check it out. BL

what about you? what have you accomplished?

  • created

    Oct '21
  • last reply

    Oct '21
  • 7


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Yesterday, I managed to get my second episode released by the very day I wanted to, even back when the second episode was VERY different, and considering how horrible I usually am with meeting deadlines, it felt really good to get it out.

GENRE: Dark Comedy, Horror, Psychological Fiction, Supernatural Fiction, Drama, Satire, Fantasy.

Awesome, i know exactly what that feels like. Good job!:relaxed:

I would say actually doing my manga and posting it online has been a massive accomplishment for me. And having people reading and liking what I’ve done too is a big confidence booster :blush:

For me, it's passing the 25 sub milestone and actually building an audience. It's really nice to know that people actually like your work ( - :

For countless millennia, humans, elves, trolls, and all manner of peoples made history across Rodinia. However, all stories end and the elaborate tale the continent weaves nears its own. The harbingers of this dark future? The Akomen. Their opposition? Acifix Hawthorn, a lone elvish vagrant.
What are their motives,
who holds the strings,
and how will reality's fate unfold?

I recently passed my six-month 'anniversary' of posting here (on October 10th), and haven't missed an update yet. I also still have 26 pages in my buffer.

And now that I'm curious, I looked: so far, I've drawn 57 pages (counting the three pages I cut out... because I still DREW them, darnit), amounting to 380 panels.

And I just posted the first death in the story! :grinning:

This is my work. I'm sure you'll like it if you read it!!!!