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Oct 2019

Heyo! This got published today so I'm excited and wanted to share :smiley: I conducted an interview about my comic, TreasureHUNT!!:

I just recently discovered this website, Comicadia, a few weeks ago via Twitter and this new News section of theirs is pretty nifty~ Further they seem to be seeking additional comic authors to continue this interview series, so that may be something of interest for some peeps :raised_hands: contact info for that can be found at the bottom of the interview there.

Anyhoo it was a fun opportunity to blab about my comic a little :smirk:

  • created

    Oct '19
  • last reply

    Oct '19
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Ill bookmark it, I think Im a bit early for an interview lol ^^' But if I wanna stroke my ego I know where to go!

i would love to do this but i worry that i'm not a good person to interview since i leave my answers very short along with having anxiety emailing ppl on the topic, did this site find you or did you find it?

Getting interviewed sounds like a good time, kudos to you for putting yourself out there! :smiley:

@Inspector_Spinda - ahh you flatter me :cry_01:

@Zak - heck yeah!

@BobbyjoeXforgotensb - they found me, kind of. This news section of their site just started last month I guess, and one of their weekly articles is called #webcomic where they pull up that tag on twitter and grab several relevant recent tweets to promote. I discovered them because they chose one of mine for one of said segments, so I followed them and then reached out a few weeks later when they put out a tweet about looking for comic authors to interview~

@teasidesketches - ty! And it was :hype_01:

Thanks for the tip! They do a pretty thorough interview over there, from reading yours. I'll have to go send them an email :slight_smile:

Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised that they actually took the time to look through my stuff to generate really relevant and specific questions. Seems like it'll be a cool series of articles to follow along with~ Will be looking forward to yours if you do one! :raised_hands:

First thing first, congrats!

However I still wonder despite the growing popularity of webcomic platforms, it's still scarce to see online resources covering this scope, unlike gaming for example. It's still like small niche if you search in google/youtube, and they are mostly talking about already extremely popular series. Good to see something like this started to spring up!

Pretty interesting :o did they contact you if you'd like to have an interview discussing about your comic?

Nice interview. I didn't know the story was so close to the end though. ;_; I'm definitely looking forward to "season 2"!

@sekabead - ey thanks :smiley: and also agreed! Athough they have their own collective of authors and comics, it's fantastic to see places embrace comics of all skill levels and types. On one of the episodes of #webcomic that they put out after I started following their twitter profile, I saw one of the tweets they shared being someone who was just getting started in the writing phases of their comic. They said something along the lines of "ty for the shout out! But i'm not sure if I deserve to get featured when I'm just barely getting started" and their social media rep was like "nah! We want to embrace comics at all phases!" - pretty cool.

@Carossmo - Oh nah, I did the reaching out lol. But it was prompted per this tweet: https://twitter.com/comicadiatweets/status/1180887043917791233

It looks like they're trying to get a series of these going for their news site~

@Cavechan - tyty :raised_hands: Ah yeah, when I sat down and wrote TH!! it was as a +/- 50 page one-shot, so it's already well over that and quickly nearing the end :sweat_smile: Buuuuuut I'm pretty stoked for S2 as well >:smiley: A lot of the nitty gritty details still need working out but I sat down to plot out the overview of the story prior to Inktober (so that I could use Inktober to familiarize myself with some of the new chars) and I think it'll be a good'un :sunglasses: