30 / 115
Oct 2022

@SynergyEclipse ugh, I hope you will be able to reconnect it with no problems a bit later! A mouse is too crazy to use for drawing, I know some artists who are drawing with it and I am absolutely shocked with the fact they are able to do it :see_no_evil:

The 6th strip is finished for today and it really feels nice already! Funny fact - originally I had no idea how Beleard's nose should look like in profile, no shape was good. I ended up drawing him a nose on the first strip, but it looked really unnatural. So this time I decided he won't have a nose in profile...at all xD

Didn't get much done today. Gonna buckle down and spend 20 more minutes drawing now though.

@SynergyEclipse Technical difficulties are the worst. Glad you were still able to work on it though.

@Kelheor I agree, strangely the absence of a nose actually suits him. Also, I love his coat. The fur is so big, but I love it.

Fortunately, I was able to complete the line art and most of the base coloring before my connection dropped! It’s working again now so I’m focusing on finishing that background.

Trying to do some cleanup and coloring with a mouse was tough!

I hope I don’t again too. My Wi-Fi connection isn’t the most reliable, but I have to rely on it.

The action scene on that page looks great! Action scenes can be so tricky to plan out to get the best angles and flow of them!

It’s definitely tricky planning out the scene, the best angles for it, and arranging the panels to get it to flow just right!

@IndigoShirtProd aw thanks! :coffee_love:
I totally agree, great action paneling! It was much easier to plan such panels in scroll format, even after all these years I am still intimidated by pages layout :sweat_smile:

I kinda had a meltdown today feeling like a fraud, I actually hoped that I had my rest and the drawing will go smooth from now on, but nope. Anyway I hope I will be over it tomorrow, but probably I will just do an illustration, we'll see.

Day 8! Didn't get much lineart done again today. If I work on it more later, then I will share a pic.

@simonitropunk Welcome! Love that panel shape/composition/camera angle!

@IndigoShirtProd Welcome and thank you! This looks very dynamic, great job!

Day 9 of the Comics Challenge!

It's been really nice having people to chat about comics and motivate each other so far. Hoping this October continues to be productive and fun for all of us!

Finally completed the lineart for this spread. Next is more flatting and then shading.

I’m pretty close to completion with this episode! Shaded 5 panels of it today, and caught up to the last vectored panel. Only the last section has panels that have been sketched but not vectored yet, and there are just a few more backgrounds that need to be rendered!

Haven't drawn anything today yet, but I was able to finished the script for my halloween special this year!

Yesterday I also started writing the script for episode 31 so part of the production process will be started for it before episode 30 will be published. I hope that’ll reduce the amount of time between episodes!

Since episode 31 will be an adaptation of scenes from the earlier comic version instead of being completely new, script writing will focus on just the new scenes, where to place them, and how to adapt existing dialogue!

Today I vectored two more panels and started a third. I took a short break to publish the story that went with one of my last drawings I made for Sketchtember last month.