12 / 143
Apr 2021

I know for a fact that there a lot of peoples works on this site that get unnoticed. So I see fit to give an opportunity to help reach their milestones or to forge on to the next one. With that being said, Please share some of your work, let people know that you are here. Let them know!

  • created

    Apr '21
  • last reply

    Jul '21
  • 142


  • 5.8k


  • 110


  • 179


  • 50


Frequent Posters

There are 142 replies with an estimated read time of 8 minutes.

Thank you for the opportunity!

My comic is basically a seinen/shonen battle manga but it's read from your left to your right

Thanks for the thread!

Thanks for the thread!

I would love it if you guys checked out my webtoon series! I'm trying to get to 75 subscribers as my next milestone :smiley:

dark fantasy horror

fantasy action adventure

If anyone is into wild crazy fights then my webcomic might be up your alley.

Almost there <3

Here’s my fantasy adventure comic.


Here's Mine!
My main goal is to get to 100 subs before episode 10! So please like and subscribe if you want!

Some of my comics :slight_smile:


This is the story title. It's a fantasy epic that will (God Willing) Span about 5 books. Check it out, I have a sample up already.
King of Roo.

After a deadly civil war between two of the Kingdom's Districts which resulted in the death of the King, the Kingdom laid down heavy sanctions upon its people.
8 years later, these sanctions prove to be too much as violent tensions spring up across all three districts. The climate becomes as deadly as the war torn era even giving rise to an old threat, the Titan Cult.
They lurk in the shadows of the volatile atmosphere plotting to destroy the very foundation of the Kingdom which they once called home.
The only thing in their way is Prince Elias. The only son of the late King who steps outside of his privileged life for the first time to bring unity to his feuding kingdom.

Cudos to the other authors!

Don't say that. I'm sure people would like to read it.

Here's mine, hope you'll like it! :grin:

Heres mine! Im really trying to hit 30 subs rn! My comic here is pretty unusual but i hope yall like it!

It would be awesome if anyone checked out my new series.

I currently have 6 subs and honestly I'd appreciate any support whatsoever :sweat_smile:

Hoping to gain more traction on this one. The chapters I'm working on in advance are looking great! Check out this story of Desperation and Games!

Thanks for this! I'm at 70 right now. Here's my comic.

Here's mine! getting close to my 50 sub goal!

Hisani is a mean 18 year old lioness whose heart has grown cold after experiencing many harsh realities that nature has thrown at her, but when her pride male is overthrown by a couple of younger males, she decides to save the last surviving cubs, Tariro, Busara, and Mazika. Knowing that there is no future for her and her great-grandchildren within the pride she decides to leave and take on the seemingly impossible task of raising them to adulthood all on her own.

If anyone's interested in goofy sci-fi, maybe check out my comic? May contain cowardly pilots, saloon brawls, and a giant centipede in a cowboy hat.

Check out my comic! Please!

100 or bust!