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May 2016

I juz wanted to ask if everyone here has just one art style or numerous art styles.
Ryt now I have two
One for my imaginative drawings
And the other for my comic

  • created

    May '16
  • last reply

    May '16
  • 15


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  • 14


i would say I have 3

my manga style:

my cartoon style: (it's actually a bit different now but I can't find any of my newer drawings...)

and my semi-realism style:

I change up my style a lot between projects. Generally I stick to pretty stylized simple art for comics because it make production easier. I sometimes venture into more naturalistic territory with portraits and illustrations, though.

Newest comic:

Stand-alone drawing:

You've got your 'serious art' as I call it.

And then your 'fun art'.

I have two (no wait, three) styles.

The first one is the one I used in my webcomic1

The second is Cel-shading style.

The third is my digital painting style.

This one takes longer to do since it's "lineless"

three styles I play around in. that first one is character concept for my next series XD

I do this cute chibi thing... same proportions (large head, tiny feet, hands), angles...

But the angle thing kinda carries into my other arts...

My cartoonier style - all my years of drawing after the cartoons I watched on TV basically evolved into this.

My simplest style - much more simplified and geometric, main inspirations are Natsume Ono and films The Secret of Kells and Song of the Sea.

My most realistic style - much more detailed with more realistic proportions

Wow I never even thought of it as two different styles but I guess that is what it is haha. I definitely favor one over the other (inky is so much easier than the sketchy stuff, since it doesn't take as long to clean up. The tradeoff is that the sketchy stuff tends to come out more natural looking and has better poses)

I have my sketchy stuff:

and then my inky stuff:

I used to like drawing semi-realistic things, but the last few years I've gone into more cartoon-y and expressive style. The bad thing is that once I start drawing into one style, I find it difficult to switch between any more.
Previous style:
Current style:




and of course comic

I just draw a lot and work as a freelancer so my style changes depending on what I do. o/