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Apr 2024

How about short audio extracts, samples to get people interested? I adapted my comic into an audio series relatively recently myself.

I promote my story with excerpts, character art, and writing prompts using the story, but i think excerpts are the only ones that seem to be getting a lot of views. IDK why, maybe just because of my song choices?

I've been really unsure and anxious on how I should promote. do you have any social media platform you would recommend?

i think i've gotten the best engagement for my story on IG frankly

Well since my comic has fighting and powers in it I’ve been concocting a plan of creating a bunch of those anime vs posts that you always see people arguing like crazy in on Facebook and Instagram. I’m gonna have my friend post these pictures and flat out say my characters win regardless of if they do or not. The idea is since I’m going after characters people love and powerscalers love to argue they’ll look my characters up just to prove their points, but I win in the end cause they had to go look it up.