40 / 76
Oct 2022

Time for a BUMP! (still plenty of slots left guys! Don't leave free money on the table LOL).

12 days later

Am I allowed to be a little cheeky and submit the story I just started working on and posted one chapter for? :sweat_smile:

Hmmmm scratches cheek yeah, I think that's okay since it was made after I posted the contest and you only just started posting it. So long as it follows the rules and has an interracial couple, that's fine. I can add you to the roster. ^U^

11 days later

Just checking in! How is everyone doing on their entries! I might push the deadline back even a bit further for my own sake and everyone else's LOL. Maybe November 10th? ^U^ Anyway, y'all do good work, work, working away!

10 days later

Hello, I was just wondering do we just post the story and link it in this chat or do we post it somewhere else? This is my first time doing something like this.

You can just post it and link it on this thread or PM it to me. Whatever is more comfortable to you.

8 days later

I finally finished some stuff on my plate and now have time to brainstorm the contest entry! :joy:
Is Nov 10 the deadline to post the first episode or the full story? I'm not sure I'll be able to churn out the full story by then.

You can do just the 1 episode. Honestly, I may push the date back even a bit more. Maybe the 15th? ^U^

The 15th would be good! Work will be killing me this whole month, so I would definitely like any extra time. :stuck_out_tongue: I'll post the first episode on the 15th Nov and hopefully, I can upload the rest of the episodes every 5 days or so.

17 days later

Do we have to post the stories on Tapas or would e.g. a google doc be fine as well? :sweat_smile: I don't want to post all chapters at once so I'd have to start posting now if it has to be on Tapas, so the full story is out until the deadline.
And do the novels need to have a cover/ Do the covers get judged as well? :sweat_smile:

Since we all know how the almighty Tapas algorithm works, I would be fine with you sending it as a google doc. I'll PM you so you can send it to my email, if that works for you. :smiley: And nope! No coverart required. I'm always bothered when contests require coverarts, LOL. The main attraction should be the story.

That's perfectly fine! Thanks for the update. I'll make sure I follow the story and get reading!

I'm done with mine but now I'm proofreading for what feels like the tenth time and still find typos (and worry about what else I could have done wrong... it's really great to be an overthinker :upside_down::joy:)

I mostly do comics but I've been looking for an excuse to start an anthology novel - can we make this an episode or its own novel? Also I intend to go absolutely bonkers with what "interspecies" means.

I finally got the time to write my story! :joy: Hopefully I should be able to make it by 15th Nov. I saw it's okay to send a link to Google Docs?

Fantastic! And yeah, Googledocs is fine. I think you already have my email, but let me know if you need me to send it again. XD

You can make it into an episode or build it out into a novel. Just make sure it meets the appropriate word requirements. Would you like me to add you to the roster?

10 days later

Woohoo I finished my entry! It's right at 10k words lol. :joy: Sent it to your email, so do let me know if you didn't receive it or can't access the Google Docs. :wink:

i am working on it! should be good to go here soon! ill let you know the second its up.

Thank you! It's working! And to answer your question, yes, you can post the whole thing at a later date. XD